CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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drilling diameter: Weight: 5.g. 5 /8” 1 /2” including SDS centring drill bit 2. drilling diameter: Weight: 3.g. The vibratingmechanismcleans WKHÌOWHUVEHIRUHDGXVWFORXGGHYHORSVWKHUHE\HQDEOLQJ\RXWRZRUNZLWKRXWDÌOWHUEDJ:LWKHOHFWURPDJQHWLFÌOWHUYLEUDWLRQ LQFUHDVHGVHUYLFHOLIHRIWKHÌOWHUFDUWULGJHVDGGLWLRQDOPDQXDOYLEUDWLRQSRVVLEOHGHYLFHVRFNHWZLWKDXWRPDWLFVZLWFKRQDQG VZLWFKRQGHOD\IRUFRQQHFWHGSRZHUWRROVWZRSRO\HVWHUÌOWHUFDUWULGJHVmGXUDEOHDQGZDVKDEOHÌOWHUVXUIDFHFPmKLJK constantsuction,withpractical storage, self-supporting, wheelswithparkingbrake, water detection with sensor switch-off function – DXWRPDWLFVKXWGRZQZKHQPD[ZDWHUOHYHOLVGHWHFWHGÌOWHUSURWHFWLRQHOHFWURQLFDOO\FRQWUROOHGVRIWVWDUWHOHFWURQLFDOO\FRQWUROOHG overrun,visualdisplayofthesuctionpower 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV • Power consumption: 1,400 Container volume: l • Nominal voltage: 230 Dust volume (net): l • Frequency: Dimensions H): 420 410 580 mm l0D[DLUËRZOV l:HLJKWNJ • Max.5 8858 including cylindrical centring drill bit 5 /8 8860 including cylindrical centring drill bit 1 /2 8862 including centring drill bit (hook function) 2.4 kg 1 0008 Diamond dry drill, soft hammer-action Dry drilling diameters particularly hard material, e. With mechanical safety clutch, electronic soft start, overload shutdown and temperature monitoring function, additional hand grip variable adjustment using the clamping collar, locking knob with protection against unintentional locking 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV • Power consumption: 1,300 Idling speed: 3400 rpm • Nominal voltage: 230 Tool holder: external • Nominal speed: 2000 rpm Clamping collar diameter: mm • Max.171 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 D S Design Size Article no. With high operating speed, powerful motor, electronic soft start, temperature and overload shutdown function, gear mechanism with switchable soft hammer-action function, mechanical safety clutch, additional hand grip – variable adjustment using clamping collar.5 8856 Universal deburrer for all deburring work drill holes well straight, convex and concave edges (e. 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV • Power consumption: 1,800 Tool holder: external • Nominal voltage: 230 Clamping collar diameter: mm • Nominal speed: 2,050 rpm Hammer frequency: 41,000 blows/min • Max. negative pressure: 248 mbar 1 0016 Holder shafts dry drills Steel design, with tool holder resp. Diamond dry drill The ideal tool for recessing sockets mm, for outlet sockets and junction boxes, dimensionally accurate with minimum time required, also suitable for hard materials such sand-lime brick, masonry, and clinker brick (dry).9 kg • Idling speed: 3000 rpm 1 0010 Vacuum device 25 Despiteitssmallcontainer,thevacuumdeviceisabletotakeuplargeamounts water anddust. pipe inner and outer edges), aluminium handle, interchangeable, hardened blade 1 8500 Jigsaw blades manufactured from CrV steel self-service packaged, for wood, plastic mm for AEG Bosch Metabo tools 8506 for Black Decker Skil Fein tools 8507 Jigsaw blades manufactured from HSS bi-metal self-service packaged, for soft steel, aluminium, non-ferrous metal, stainless steel metal mm for AEG Bosch Metabo tools 8522 for Black Decker Skil Fein tools 8523 . high density sand-lime brick, armoured concrete and other abrasive materials