CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 163 z 388

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The vibrating PHFKDQLVPFOHDQVWKHÌOWHUVEHIRUHDGXVWFORXGGHYHORSVWKHUHE\HQDEOLQJ\RXWRZRUNZLWKRXWDÌOWHUEDJ:LWK HOHFWURPDJQHWLFÌOWHUYLEUDWLRQLQFUHDVHGVHUYLFHOLIHRIWKHÌOWHUFDUWULGJHVDGGLWLRQDOPDQXDOYLEUDWLRQSRVVLEOH GHYLFHVRFNHWZLWKDXWRPDWLFVZLWFKRQDQGVZLWFKRQGHOD\IRUFRQQHFWHGSRZHUWRROVWZRSRO\HVWHUÌOWHUFDUWULG- JHVmGXUDEOHDQGZDVKDEOHÌOWHUVXUIDFHFP2 – high constant suction, with practical storage, self-supporting, wheels with parking brake, water detection with sensor switch-off function automatic shut down when max. slot width: mm • Weight: 7.5 offset 115 8920 2. With suction hose lock, milling depth adjustment (without tools), spindle lock for easy disc replacement, slim design, short distance the guard, the ability work close the edge, slot widths can changed increments, enclosed hood, easy removal debris, sliding cut, electronic soft start, temperature and overload shutdown function, connecting piece for direct connection to industrial vacuum cleaners 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV • Power consumption: 2,300 Nominal voltage: 230 ~ • Nominal speed: 2300 rpm Idling speed: 3100 rpm • Disc diameter: 180 Disc holder: 22. Thickness Design mm 2.2 straight 125 8912 2.5 kg 1 0014 Vacuum device 25 despite its small container, the vacuum device able hold large amounts water and dust.5 offset 115 8900 2.0 straight 230 8914 Corundum cutting discs, stone Universal cutting disc suitable for: natural and synthetic stone, concrete, exposed aggregate concrete, tiles, etc. Thickness Design mm 2.5 straight 230 8904 Corundum cutting discs, Inox Inox cutting disc High cutting speed, clean cut surfaces, virtually burrs, little cutting waste VXLWDEOHIRUVKHHWVWHHO LQFOXGLQJFDUERG\SUHVVLQJ SURÌOHVSLSHVDQGVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Thickness Design mm 1.2 mm) • Dry cut Corundum cutting discs, steel Universal cutting disc suitable for: steel, pipes, structural steel, mild steel, solid materials, metal sheeting etc.2 straight 115 8910 1.5 offset 125 8922 3. the ideal tool for installers run larger cable ducts and conduits underneath plaster.163 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 D S Design Size Article no. negative pressure: 248 mbar Container volume: l • Dust volume (net): Dimensions H): 420 410 580 mm • Weight: 12.7 kg 1 0016 Corundum cutting discs • According 12413 Suitable for all standard angle grinders (holder 22. ZDWHUOHYHOLVGHWHFWHGÌOWHUSURWHFWLRQHOHFWURQLFDOO\FRQWUROOHGVRIWVWDUWHOHFWURQLFDOO\FRQWUROOHGRYHUUXQYLVXDO display the suction power 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV • Power consumption: 1,400 Nominal voltage: 230 ~ l)UHTXHQF\+] l0D[DLUËRZOV • Max. Wall chaser 180 allows you work quickly even the hardest materials.5 offset 125 8902 2.0 straight 230 8924 .2 mm • Slot depth: Max