CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 161 z 388

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90 4815 Diamond cutting discs • According 13236 • Dry and wet cutting • Suitable for all standard angle grinders and wall chasers (holder 22. Step drill and thread tap set for screwed cable glands compact set for drilling core holes and through-holes, well for the thread cutting metric screwed cable glands according DIN 423, supplied handy plastic carrying case.50; 1.2 mm) • With key holes for cooling • High-performance diamond segments made diamond grit bond Line Blue diamond cutting discs with sinter-fused diamond segments, steel blade hardness: HRC suitable for: concrete products (soft), paving stone, composite stone, masonry brick Height Segment length Quantity mm 7 115 8700 7 125 8702 7 180 8704 7 230 8706 Line Beige diamond cutting discs with laser-fused diamond segments, steel blade hardness: HRC suitable for: concrete products (soft/medium), kerbstone, paving stone, composite stone, masonry brick, roof tiles (soft), hol- low concrete block, tiles (hard), sand-lime brick (hard), sandstone (hard), clinker brick (medium-hard), cast iron pipe (ductile) Height Segment length Quantity mm 10 31.0; 1. 6 piece 1250 Nozzle reamer bit 12 nozzle reamers (tapered) and holders, supplied plastic box 0.30; 1.65; 0.5 115 8708 10 31.5 125 8710 10 31.60; 0.10; 1.5 150 8712 10 180 8714 10 230 8716 Line Silver diamond cutting discs with sinter-fused diamond segments, steel blade hardness: HRC suitable for: concrete products (soft), paving stone, roof tiles (soft), hollow concrete block, masonry brick WLOHV VRIW VDQGOLPHEULFN VRIWDEUDVLYH ÌUHFOD\ VRIW SODVWHUDHUDWHGFRQFUHWHÌEUHFHPHQWDQGVFUHHG Height Segment length Quantity mm 8 115 8718 8 125 8720 8 135 8722 8 135 8724* 8 150 8726 8 180 8728 8 230 8732 *Holder: mm .161 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 D S Design Size Article no. Set consisting HSS step drill for burr-free drilling and reaming, double-edged, with solid centring point and laser-marked drilling steps for through-holes and core holes for screwed glands measuring between and 32, holder shaft with 3 driver carriers protect against the drill bit from slipping the chuck, HSS cutting thread taps (direct taps) VRUWHGIRU,62ÌQHWKUHDG0[m0[m0[m0[m0[PPORQJGHVLJQ ZLWKKH[DJRQDOGULYHVKDIW RUPP IRUVLQJOHKDQGHGZRUNHYHQRQDUHDVGLIÌFXOWWRDFFHVVDFWXDWLRQXVLQJ a nut driver (groove and ratchet), but also using fork spanners and ring spanners.80; 0.70; 0.70; 1.75; 0.90; 1