CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 155 z 388

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155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 D S Design Size Article no. 1 1212 Step drill holder shaft M12, M16, M20, M25, M32, M40 4032 Step drill for mechanical engineering and sheet metal processing, manufactured from HSS, complete with blades, increasing mm Drilling range max.5 18. Surfaces additionally coated with TiN (titanium nitrite) after hardening are extremely hard and smooth.5 core hole for M 25 22.0 through-hole for Pg 29 33. Suitable for use hand and box column drills, total 9 drill steps, holder shaft mm) with driver carriers prevents slipping the chuck.5 core hole for M 40 37.2 through-hole for Pg 9 14.5 through-hole for Pg 7/M12 8. thickness.0 centring drill bit Drill steps HSS 1201 HSS-TIN 1206 HSS 1200 HSS-TIN 1205 HSS 1207 HSS-TIN 1208 HSS 1209 HSS-TIN 1210 Replacement centring drill suitable for all CIMCO step drills Shaft 1273 Shaft (new generation) 1274 HSS step drill for screwed cable glands 6SHFLDOGHVLJQIRUFRUHKROHVDQGWKURXJKKROHVIRUPHWULFVFUHZHGFDEOHJODQGVZLWKËXWHV holder shaft mm Drilling range M 1275 Special step drill for screw punching HSS step drill for burr-free drilling through-holes for screw puncher tension bolts (3 /8”) (7 /16”) – M 3 /4” material thick.5 core hole for M 20 16.6 through-hole for Pg 11 18.8 25.4 through-hole for Pg 13.5 core hole for M 32 28.5 through-hole for M 16 15.3 through-hole for Pg 21 25. Higher cutting speed permits quicker working, lower wear increases the durability between and fold! Drilling mm 40.5 through-hole for M 25 23.5 through-hole for Pg 16 20.5 through-hole for M 20 20.5 through-hole for M 40 38.5 through-hole for M 32 30.6 32. Holder shaft ø. drilling depth Holder shaft ø mm 4 1214 12 1216 20 1218 Drilling paste 50 1307 .5 core hole for M 16 12. HSS step drill especially for screwed cable glands electrical assembly, perfectly round and cylindrical holes various diameters, centring, drilling, drilling out and deburring single work stage, suitable for use hand and box column drills in WKHÌHOGVRIWUDGHDQGLQGXVWU\IRUVKHHWPHWDODQGSODWHPHWDOSURÌOHVDQGWXEHVPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWHHOEUDVV copper, aluminium, V2A stainless steel, plastic, wood, etc