CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Automatic blade retraction. Blade retraction via one-hand quick retraction mechanism. 42 5 /8“ 240 0418 Replacement blade 0419 Universal pipe cutter with interchangeable knives for insulation and hard PVC pipes and for soft plastic and rubber hoses Pipe outer S S Design Size Article no. Pipe cutter With the handy pistol shape, already laid pipes can quickly and easily shortened. The blade symmetry provides precise right angle cuts without burrs deformation. Area application: • Hard and soft plastics • Rubber hoses l,VRËH[SLSHV • Hard and soft plastic PVC pipes SUPER pipe cutter new, reinforced design Working range 0410 Replacement blade 0412 MAXI pipe cutter ZLWKDGMXVWPHQWOHYHUIRUPRGLÌFDWLRQRIFXWRSHQLQJ Working range 0420 Replacement blade 0422 MINI plastic pipe shears made die cast magnesium, for cutting plastic and composite pipes diameter mm. Blade PTFE-coated INOX steel with long service life (made Solingen). Optimum power transmission thanks ratchet mechanism with progressive, gear driven blade feed with 2-component handle. Blade PTFE-coated INOX steel with long service life (made Solingen). With quick change system for replacing blades quickly and easily. 35 3 /8“ 220 0416 Replacement blade 0417 Plastic pipe cutter PROFI made die cast magnesium, for cutting plastic and composite pipes diameter mm. Extremely light and compact, only 270 g. Pumping movements release the ratchet mechanism and the strong interchangeable blade pushed through the material cut with minimal effort.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 144 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191/3718-01, Fax: 02191/3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. Optimum power transmission, with quick change system for changing blades simply and easily. 200 0450 Bulk knives IRUKDUG39& 0452 for soft pipes 0453 Corrugated pipe cutter IRUFXWWLQJDQGWULPPLQJFRUUXJDWHGSODVWLFWXEHV ËH[WXEHV DQGSODVWLFVKLHOGWXEHVXSWRPP¹LQWKHHOHFWULFDO SOXPELQJDQGKHDWLQJÌHOGVVLPSO\URWDWHWKHWRROWRVDIHO\FXWDWWKHRXWHUGLDPHWHUZLWKRXWGDPDJLQJWKHLQWHULRU pipe, with two interchangeable cutting inserts, weight only g Working range 110 0430 Replacement cutting inserts pair 0432