CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 142 z 388

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4 thickness.8 (32 teeth per LQFK ÌQHPHWDOFXWWLQJVDZEODGHIRUHVSHFLDOO\ÌQHEXUUIUHHFXWVHYHQLQYHU\WKLQVKHHWV WRRWKSLWFKPP (50 teeth per inch)), wood cutting saw blade (tooth pitch 1. Contents: Each contains universal saw blades (tooth pitch 1.0 (25 teeth per inch) 150 0506 DVDERYHEXWIRU9DULR 200 0507 Metal cutting blade for all metals, non-ferrous metals (copper), stainless steel, special alloys, Plexiglas® and plastics Tooth pitch S S Design Size Article no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 142 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191/3718-01, Fax: 02191/3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. Tooth pitch 1.8 (14 teeth per inch) 150 0504 DVDERYHEXWIRU9DULR 200 0505 8QLYHUVDOVDZEODGHIRUVWHHODOXPLQLXPQRQIHUURXVPHWDOVÌEUHJODVVSODVWLFFRQGXLWDQGSLSHV PLQHUDO5LJLSVDQGÌEUHFHPHQWVODEV Tooth pitch 1. two different lengths, each with universal saw blade. 9DULR Weight 165 260 0515 9DULR Weight 177 310 0520 PUK pocket saws Span width 150 mm, with metal cutting saw blade with adjustable polished wooden haft 0500 with solid, lacquered wooden haft 0502 PROFI pocket saw with universal blade Span width 150 0490 1000 saw bow fully insulated Span width 150 250 0700 Bulk saw blades according DIN 6494 Form 150 length, width, 0. PUK pocket saws Vario LQQRYDWLYHVPDOOVDZERZRI[PPËDWVWHHOKLJKJORVV]LQFSODWLQJZLWKHUJRQRPLFJODVVÌEUHUHLQIRUFHGSODVWLF handle, blade tension via embedded knurled screw.0 (25 teeth per inch)), metal cutting saw blades (tooth pitch 0.8 (14 teeth per inch)) 1 0508 . high sawing space.8 (32 teeth per inch) 150 0512 DVDERYHEXWIRU9DULR 200 0513 Saw blade set according DIN 6494 Form 150 length, width, 0.4 thickness Wood cutting saw blade for hard and soft woods, chipboard and hardboard, soft plastic, etc