CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 13 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
0 0.5 1. Metro tool assortment Metro Tool Case 0073 1000 Telephone pliers with straight jaws 200 DIN ISO 5745 0216 1000 diagonal pliers 160 mm, DIN ISO 5749 0574 Super wire stripper 0760 Voltage tester 100-250 3.5 7702 1000 slot-head screwdriver 185 mm, DIN 60900, 4. dim L/W/H1/H2/H Article no.0 7705 1000 screwdriver mm, DIN 7438 7731 1000 screwdriver 100 mm, DIN 7438 7732 1000 screwdriver 100 mm, DIN 7438 7741 1000 screwdriver 100 mm, DIN 7438 7742 Cable shears DUOCUT 160 with two-stage cutting area 0108 Cable stripping knife with hook-shaped blade, 1010 Case equipped 6700 405/490/190 0175 Lockable clamp locks 3 hinges for FDVHVKHOOÌ[LQJ Ergonomically shaped handle with soft rubber insert $GGLWLRQDOÌ[LQJRIWKHWRROERDUGVLQ the bottom shell with hook loop tape 6 large pockets for holding tools 14 pockets the front side and 6 pockets plus document com- partment the reverse side Removable tool boards Flattened edges as case shell protection Metro Tool Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Ergono soft ru e 1 6 p . Case empty 4400 405/490/190 350/460/105/70/175 0073 5HDVRQDEO\SULFHGDEVROXWHO\SURIHVVLRQDOKDUGVKHOOWRROFDVHVSHFLÌFDWLRQVVKHOOPDGHRI$%6PDWHULDOVXUURXQGLQJDOXPLQLXPIUDPHZLWKLQWHJUDWHG lockable clamp locks, carrying capacity kg, tool boards with total tool pockets, document clipboard 400 wide, bottom shell can be individually subdivided incl. separators, lid support and hinges made metal, plastic bottom-slider.8 7704 1000 slot-head screwdriver 220 mm, DIN 60900, 5.13 H S Design Weight External dim L/W/H Intl.0/60 1280 1000 slot-head screwdriver 185 mm, DIN 60900, 3.0 0