CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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5 mm, suitable for longitudinal and round cuts, interchangeable blade > 0002 Replacement blade 0003 KABIFIX cable sheath stripper for longitudinal and round cuts.g.5 mm2 , extremely well suited for work in switch and junction boxes. Robust, hard chrome-plated design with anti-slip protection and interchangeable blade; adjusting screw enables continuously adjustable cutting depth. NYM, NYY, NHXMH halogen-free Solar, power lines Connection and control lines, HJšOËH[ø Section Manual cable sheath strippers insulation strippers Insulation stripping tools with which the process cutting and splitting the insulation primarily performed manually. With rotational direction marking for cable round cut. Insulation stripping longer sheath sections can carried out leading the conductor through the hole the handle area. 1. 4.128 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 5 6 10 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco.1 Universal application: Single conductors, installation cables, underground cables Universal cable sheath cutter for removing all insulation layers from cables from e. Description the symbols &DEOHV\PEROVZLWKWKHUHVSHFWLYHPDLQÌHOGVRIDSSOLFDWLRQDUHDVVLJQHGWRWKHZLUHVWULSSLQJWRROV7KHÌHOGRIDSSOLFDWLRQFDQE\DOOPHDQVLQFOXGHPXOWLSOH FDEOHDQGOLQHW\SHVLQRUGHUWRIDFLOLWDWHVHOHFWLRQKRZHYHURQO\WKHUHVSHFWLYHPDLQDSSOLFDWLRQLVLGHQWLÌHG AS interface cable Cat data line Coaxial cable for audio, video and connection (antenna line), coaxial cable for networking Data lines; network cables; sensor and actuator lines; shielded and unshielded Flat cable with several FRQGXFWRUVIRUÌ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ HJ1<,)- Single conductor Solid single conductor /LQHVIRUÌ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQOLQHV with multiple conductors for Ì[HGOD\LQJËH[LEOHFDEOH moisture-proof cable e.5 mm2 2. Suitable for slitting and stripping cables from ø, also for cutting PVC pipes, interchangeable blade 6 0030 Replacement blade 0032 KAIMAN cable sheath stripper specially designed for moisture-proof cable 1.5 mm GLDPHWHU'XHWRWKHXQLTXHVSLUDOFXWHYHQGLIÌFXOWWRSURFHVVLQVXODWLRQW\SHV HJUXEEHUEXW\O FDQEHHDVLO\ W S Design Size Article no. 6 0765 Replacement blade 0766 ROTAX cable sheath stripper professional cable sheath stripper for round cut, longitudinal cut, and spiral cut; for cable from 4. Adjustable cutting depth, especially stable plastic housing and extra sharp, interchangeable blade.g.5 140 0036 Replacement blade 0038 ., lead sheath, rubber, and PVC adjustable cutting depth 0