CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 112 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: C S Design Size Article no. • Rotating rod cassette: rotating the cassette the rod pushed into the empty conduit. 7KHUHZKHUHFRQYHQWLRQDOSXOOLQJGHYLFHVDUHQRORQJHUDGHTXDWHZLWKDJODVVÌEUHSURÌOHRIRQO\PPLQ diameter, the Kati® %OLW]0LQLVKRZVLWVIXOOSRWHQWLDO,QSDUWLFXODUWKHVXEVHTXHQWOD\LQJRIÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHVLV VLPSOLÌHGZLWKWKH. • Grip plate with rod stop: Prevents the automatic run-out the rod the idle state.5 5-piece set 2074 Guide tube 2. • Axle bearing cassette: high reset force the Polykat Mini supports the automatic run-out the rod.3 2062 35 1.3 2064 Kati® Blitz Mini accessories Replacement rod Coiled cassette, rod ends with outside thread 2. l *XLGHWXEH3URWHFWVDQGJXLGHVWKHSURÌOHZKHQSXVKLQJLQZKHQSXOOLQJEDFNWKHULVNRIURGEUHDNDJHV is reduced considerably.5 outside thread 1 2078 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW . addition the guide tube protects against breakages when pulling the rod back. Together with the Flexible guide head Mini, whose special contour enables the passage through tight places and bends, and low-friction guide tube, which guides and protects the rod, the push-in procedure into occupied empty conduit takes place quickly and simply hand.3 2060 25 1. Kati® Blitz Mini Kati® %OLW]0LQLKDVEHHQGHYHORSHGHVSHFLDOO\WRPHHWWKHJURZLQJGHPDQGVIRUVXEVHTXHQWÌEUHRSWLFFDEOH installations existing, already occupied empty conduits.DWL® Blitz Mini, often only possible and therefore makes the ideal helper when pulling ÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHVLQWREXLOGLQJV%HVLGHVWKHVPDOOGLDPHWHUWKHVSHFLDOO\GHYHORSHG3RO\NDW0LQLÌEUHJODVVSURÌOH distinguishes itself through high rod strength and thrust stability, well very small bending radius mm.5 m /RZIULFWLRQWXEHZLWKVHFXULQJVOHHYHÌWWHGRQWXEH 1 2076 Rod end Brass, with 2.5 and Flexible guide head Mini, rod length 15 2066 25 2068 35 2070 Service set 10 Mini rod ends, special adhesive sanding pad mm, insulating tape mm 13-piece 2072 Flexible guide head with inside thread 2. Rod length Tensile strength 15 1. Supplied accessories: ËH[LEOHJXLGHKHDGV0ZLWKLQVLGHWKUHDGURGHQGV0ZLWKRXWVLGHWKUHDGJXLGHWXEHPZLWK VHFXULQJVOHHYHLQVXODWLQJWDSHPPIRUÌ[LQJWKHÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHWRWKHËH[LEOHJXLGHKHDGVDQGLQJSDG 50 special adhesive g Product advantages glance: • Flexible guide head Mini: special contour for passing through tight spaces and bends