Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 789 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
.g. Due its intuitive Windows based user interface even beginners are able start programming immediately. Thus it possible store the binary code well all source codes. The application program stored compact flash (Memory Card), which plugged into the drive. Due the offline simulation mode possible use the debugging function without connected hardware. directly the drive. The ControlBuilder based the common tool CoDeSys. Advantages the ControlBuilder DCS800 Fast and easy adaptation DCS800 Drive the used application. The application, including source code, always part the drive and thus can maintained during the whole live cycle the machine. With the ControlBuilder possible develop a fast and easy way new function e. Requirements PC with Windows NT, 2000 XP One free serial port 2 000192R 0401 S800 Technical catalog ABB .IEC 61131 programming ControlBuilder DCS800 The ControlBuilder user-friendly tool based the IEC61131-3 standard for programming the DCS800. The source code can password protected against unauthorized access. Less spare parts. By means completely supporting all five program­ ming languages the IEC61131-3 standard everyone is able find the right programming environment: instruction list IL sequential function chart AS function block diagram FDB structured text ST ladder diagram LD additionally free graphical function plan (CFC) is available The extremely user-friendly online debugging function offers besides single step-, single cycle- and breakpoint mode event triggered recording tool for variables and signals. Additionally set drive specific func­ tion blocks eases the programming the DCS800.. winders, decen­ tralized controls, safety functions, . course protection the application program with password possible