Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

| Kategorie: Katalog  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 734 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
• Position sequence • CAM disk • Flying cut POSITION CONTROL Technology functions, Application control programs e. damping filters for demanding echanical systems.3.2009 ABB . ■ Drive functionality defined and delivered with memory unit.g. 10 3AFE68675073 REV 19.g. Easy to modify with parameters additive function blocks. • inder • Lift SPEED CONTROL TORQUE CONTROL ACSM1 Power unit and control unit Synchronous, asynchronous Two control variants ■ Speed and torque control ■ Motion control Speed and torque control ■ pen and closed loop DTC (Direct Torque Control) ■ Synchronous and asynchronous motors ■ Ideal for high bandwidth speed torque control application Motion control In addition speed and torque control ■ High bandwidth position and synchronization control ■ Point-to-point positioning with extensible positioning profile sets ■ Synchronization (encoder feedback drive-to-drive link) ■ Register control based fast probe inputs ■ Multiple homing methods Application control programming In addition multiple parameter programmable speed and position control functions, drive functionality can easily modified extended using application control programming the DriveSPC tool. Technology func­ tion block libraries are optional. ■ Technology function blocks eet achine-specif­ ic application requirements, e. ■ Standard function blocks modify basic control interface ake extensible PLC-tasks. ■ Application control programs, ready-made solu­ tions for dedicated applications such winding, lift control and flying cut applications using the corresponding technology function library.g.Control and programming Scalable control and programming environment PC tools DriveStudio, DriveSize, DriveSPC M otion control Speed torque control ACSM1 ory unit Technology functions, Application control programs e