Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

| Kategorie: Katalog  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 732 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Options Internal Control unit (CU) DC connection Analogue and digital I/O extension Feedback £ Interface - ■>“ ^ ; - Communication Interface nimm n )i ... iinniii l|r* » n 1111111 11111111.6 GND 2 PC tools, control panel connection (RS 232) Memory unit connection Reference voltage (+) +VREF 1 Reference voltage (-) -VREF 2 Ground AGND 3 Analogue input (Current voltage, AI1 4 selectable jumper J1) AI1- 5 Analogue input (Current voltage, AI2+ 6 selectable jumper J2) AI2- 7 AI1 current/voltage selection J1 AI2 current/voltage selection J2 Thermistor input 8 Ground AGND 9 Analogue output (current) AO1 (I) 10 Analogue output (voltage) AO2 (U) 11 Ground 12 Motor connection Safe Torque-Off.2009 ABB . ... B 1 A 2 BGND 3 VA Control and communication options X1 X5 X6 Options Data Slot Slot Slot 3 Analogue digital extension FIO-01 DI/O, - FIO-11 AI, AO, DI/O - Feedback interface FEN-01 inputs (TTL incremental encoder), output - FEN-11 inputs (SinCos absolute, TTL incremental encoder), output - FEN-21 inputs (Resolver, TTL incremental encoder), output - FEN-31 input (HTL incremental encoder), output - Communication FPBA-01 PROFIBUS o FCAN-01 CANopen o FDNA-01 DeviceNet o FENA-01 EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCP* o FSCA-01 Modbus* o O option - not available * preparation 8 3AFE68675073 REV 19.. Both circuits must be closed for the drive start. p i i i í * n i i i n m ~ « A l u r Braking resistor connection Mains connection 7-segment display 24VDC input Relay output (1xRO) Digital inputs and outputs (6xDI, 3xDI/O) Analogue inputs (2xAI) Thermistor input (PTC, KTY) Analogue outputs (2xAO) Drive-to-drive link (D2D) Safe Torque-Off (STO) User interface (PC tools, control panel) External power input +24VI 24 DC, 1.. OUT1 1 Memory unit (MU) OUT2 IN1 2 3 IN2 4 Relay output 1------ 3™ 250 COM 4 2 5 +24 +24VD 1™ Digital I/O ground 2 Digital input DI1 3 Digital input DI2 4 +24 +24VD 5 Digital I/O ground DGND 6 Digital input DI3 7 Digital input DI4 8 +24 +24VD 9 Digital I/O ground DGND 10 Digital input DI5 11 Digital input DI6 12 +24 +24VD 13 Digital I/O ground DGND 14 Digital input/output DIO1 15 Digital input/output DIO2 16 +24 +24VD 17 Digital I/O ground DGND 18 Digital input/output DIO3 19 : X) C Drive-to-drive link termination J3 Drive-to-drive link.3.