Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 693 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Powerful performance Fast and accurate process control in combination with low energy consumption results top perform ance. 50 operation point • Line current Line voltage t 2000 15000r 1500 10000 - 1000 500 10 a 5000 - <n 0 ■ -500 < > -5000 -1000 -1500 -10000 1-2000 -15000 50 operation point -1000 -1500 -2000 -Motor current Motor voltage ABB ACS 5000.Powerful and application-friendly During development the ACS 5000, special attention was given the entire drive system to provide highest configuration flexibility and ensure powerful and application-friendly performance.9 kV w ithout aking the drive ore com plex. This eliminates the need for costly harmonics analysis or installation network filters hen applying a new drive. Motor friendly The ACS 5000 topology has optimum number switching levels, which provides a multilevel output waveform. The integrated input transformer allows simple and ick installation and com issioning, whereas the separate transform perm its a flexible transformer configuration. Network friendly The ACS 5000 equipped with 36-pulse diode rectifier minimize harm onics. Transformer flexibility For highest transformer flexibility, the air-cooled ACS 5000 available with separate input transformer or, the lower power range, with integrated input transformer. It m eets the ost stringent requirem ents for current and voltage harmonic distortion as defined IEEE, IEC and EN. Control of the drive immediate and smooth under all conditions and the audible noise the motor is considerably reduced compared other control methods. Thanks the Voltage Source Inverter Multilevel- Fuseless (VSI-MF) topology the high motor voltage achieved without series connection of semiconductors.9 without compromising reliability. This reduces the parts count to a minimum resulting pow density up to MVA/m3 for the complete drive, including control, cooling and auxiliaries, which un­ matched the medium voltage drives market. Depending on the customer’s infrastructure, the transformer can placed either inside outside the electrical room. Smallest footprint The ACS 5000 based unique concept which enables operation motors 6. This allows the use standard motors 6. The ACS drive control platform BB’s award-winning Direct Torque Control (DTC), resulting the highest torque and speed performance well the lowest losses ever achieved medium voltage drives