Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 692 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
combines the best two traditional semiconductor technologies: the fast switching the IGBT/IEGT with the proven reliability and low losses the GTO. Long-life DC-link capacitors Advanced, self-healing, environmental friendly foil capacitors, designed for long lifetime, are used the DC-link. The ACS 5000 protection scheme responds less than psec, about two hundred times faster than fuses. ABB has clearly distinguished itself with this technology com pared unreliable and aintenance­ intensive designs based electrolytic DC-link capacitors. The use IGCTs results low parts count, providing intrinsically less complex, ore efficient and reliable drive. IGCT semiconductors The ACS 5000 uses advanced and proven pow sem iconductor itching device known IGCT.ACS 5000 Highest performance and lowest cost ownership ABB engineers developed drive that provides advantages over other medium voltage drives reliability, efficiency and power density features that have a direct impact the customer’s cost ownership. Converter with integrated input transformer ACS 5000 Voltage Source Inverter Multilevel-Fuseless (VSI-MF) topology 4 ACS 5000 ABB . Instead fuses the ACS 5000 uses IGCTs/thyristors, which provide much faster and more reliable protection for the power components. Highest reliability and efficiency Thanks the combination well-proven com ponents and innovative topology, the ACS 5000 has reliability and efficiency unmatched the market. Fuseless The converter design does not require any m edium voltage pow fuses, hich are known unreliable, costly and subject to aging