Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 685 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
9 355 480 ACS 2069-1T-AN1 -a-0G 470 1'740 2'000 6.0 500 680 ACS 2060-1T-AN1-a-0N 650 1'740 2'000 6.0 630 860 ACS 2060-1T-AN1-a-0S 820 1'740 2'000 6.6 560 760 ACS 2066-1T-AN1 -a-0Q 730 1'740 2'000 6.0 450 610 ACS 2060-1T-AN1-a-0L 590 1'740 2'000 6.Data sheet ACS 2000 for direct-to-line connection Voltage Shaft power Type code Power *** Current Length Approx.9 500 680 ACS 2069-1T-AN1-a-0N 650 1'740 2'000 6.6 450 610 ACS 2066-1T-AN1-a-0L 590 1'740 2'000 6.0 400 540 ACS 2060-1T-AN1-a-0J 530 1'740 2'000 6.0 800 1'090 ACS 2060-1T-AN1-a-0W 1020 100 1'740 2'000 6‘600 V 6.9 315 430 ACS 2069-1T-AN1-a-0E 430 1'740 2'000 6.0 560 760 ACS 2060-1T-AN1 -a-0Q 730 1'740 2'000 6.6 355 480 ACS 2066-1T-AN1 -a-0G 470 1'740 2'000 6.9 450 610 ACS 2069-1T-AN1-a-0L 590 1'740 2'000 6.6 630 860 ACS 2066-1T-AN1-a-0S 820 1'740 2'000 6.9 according ANSI/NEMA ** Indicative information referring typical 4-pole motor, under nominal supply voltage conditions.6 315 430 ACS 2066-1T-AN1-a-0E 430 1'740 2'000 6.6 800 1'090 ACS 2066-1T-AN1-a-0W 1020 1'740 2'000 6‘900 V 6.9 630 860 ACS 2069-1T-AN1-a-0S 820 1'740 2'000 6.6 500 680 ACS 2066-1T-AN1-a-0N 650 1'740 2'000 6.9 800 1'090 ACS 2069-1T-AN1-a-0W 1030 1'740 2'000 Notes: * 6.9 400 540 ACS 2069-1T-AN1-a-0J 540 1'740 2'000 6.6 according IEC; 6.0 6.0 355 480 ACS 2060-1T-AN1 -a-0G 470 1'740 2'000 6.6 400 540 ACS 2066-1T-AN1-a-0J 530 1'740 2'000 6.6 710 970 ACS 2066-1T-AN1 -a-0U 910 1'740 2'000 6.9 560 760 ACS 2069-1T-AN1 -a-0Q 730 1'740 2'000 6. cooling fans top) 2700 with redundant cooling fans Depth: 1140 mm Topology the ACS 2000 for irect-to-line connection ABB 11 .0 315 430 ACS 2060-1T-AN1-a-0E 430 1'740 2'000 6.) margin included Dimensions: Height: 2100 cabinet height 2490 (incl. weight kV kVA kg 6‘000 V 6.9 710 970 ACS 2069-1T-AN1 -a-0U 910 1'740 2'000 6. *** Overload (10% sec.0 710 970 ACS 2060-1T-AN1 -a-0U 910 1'740 2'000 6