Poznámky redaktora
Life cycle includes:
- vid spare rts and rtise the life cycle
- vid fficie and ain for
im reliability
- tio lity initial t
A provides extensive training for its edium voltage drives.
In addition, operators can given practical training experienced
specialists site.
Life cycle anagem ent
A drive life cycle anagem ent odel axim izes the value of
the and aintenance investm ent aintaining high
availability, lim ting repair and xte g
th life tim drive.
A range train ffe from sic ria to
p ilo the r’s cific needs.Service and support
The ACS 2000 backed unrivalled service and support from
the customer’s initial enquiry throughout the entire life cycle of
the drive system.
Installation and com issioning
Proper installation and com issioning the equipm ent, done by
qualified and certified com issioning engineers, reduces start-up
tim increases safety and reliability and decreases life cycle costs.
Services for edium voltage drives
- rvisio sta lla tio and issio g
- Local rt
- rld rvice rk
- pare rts and tic rk
- Training
- ote tic s
- line
- sto ize tra ts
10 ABB
W ith its three three out principle, flexible line supply connection
options and advanced softw are tools, such the com issioning
w iza rt-u and st, y
m inim izing plant dow ntim e.
G lobal netw ork, local presence
A fte r-sa service integral vid the sto r
w ith reliable and fficie drive syste rou of
co ore 100 trie and has a
w rld rvice tio s