Poznámky redaktora
Network friendly
Depending the network conditions, the
drives the ACS 1000 family can equipped
with 12- 24-pulse diode rectifier hich
m eets the stringent requirem ents for current
and voltage harmonic distortion defined by
IEEE, IEC and EN. They
cause excessive stress standard otor
insulation and create harmful bearing currents,
both with potentially disastrous consequences.Retrofit-ready simplicity
The ACS 1000 family optimized for retrofits. The result excellent
w aveform voltage and current, supplied
to the motor.
System design flexibility
The ACS 1000 family can configured with
either integrated dry-type separately
installed input transformer.
Output sine filter perfect for standard
motors and retrofit applications
Voltage reflections and common mode voltages,
caused any inverter topology, are real
concern for edium voltage otors. This flexibility
enables the use oil-filled transformers when
the transformer will mounted outdoors.
4 ACS 1000, ACS 1000i ABB
. With its network-friendly diode
rectifiers, the motor-friendly output sine filter and its input transformer
flexibility, can fit where you need it.
• Compatibility with standard induction
motors without derating
•Ability retrofit existing motors
• Motor efficiency same Direct-On-Line
(DOL) operation
• Reduced motor noise
• Use standard cables
• limitation motor cable length
The ACS 1000 drives family provides smooth and accurate motor control even low speed and full torque (left diagram:
10 Hz, 100 torque) throughout the full operating range speed and load (right diagram: Hz, 100 torque).
Furthermore, the motor subjected additional
harm onic heating generated the inverter
switching further precautions are taken. The integrated input transformer, on
the other hand, sim plifies installation and
com issioning (three cables three
cables out). The
advantage that heat losses from the input
transformer are not dissipated the electrical
room. This eliminates the need
for costly harmonic analysis installation of
network filters hen applying new drive.
With ACS 1000 ACS 1000i, all these
detrimental effects are totally elim inated by
its unique output sine filter, being integral
part the drive