Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 604 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
7.1-1975 kW 690 60-1820 kW 400 145-2435 kW 500 185-3045 kW 690 250-4200 kW Mounting Wall mountinq 19) 10) 10) Free-standing 15) 15) 15) • Two mounting directions: bookshelf flat (=sideways) H354 or H360 o Side side mountinq • Flange mounting C135 20) Separate drive control unit (RDCU) 11) • Wheels for easy manoeuvring the module 12) 12) 12) 12) Cabling Supply bottom entry (module terminals) 10) • Supply top entry (module terminals) 12) Bottom exit (module terminals) H352 • Side exit (module terminals) H354 or H360 3) Top exit the module • DC and brake chopper output busbars H356 o DC and brake chopper outputs on different sides the module H363 o Vertical busbars for easy motor cable connection (H355) • 3) Vertical busbars for easy DC/brake chopper cable connection (H362) • 3) Enclosure class IP00 (UL open chassis) • IP20 (UL open chassis) B060 4) DTC motor control DTC • Software 5) Start-up assistant 6) Adaptive proqramminq 6) Motion control N685 □ Optional software optimized for different applications for enhanced proqrammability: for more details see section “Application software and proqramminq” □ Control panel Alphanumeric 4*20 character control panel J400 ■ Control panel mountinq platform J410 or J413 ■ Control connections (I/O) and communications 3 pcs analoq inputs, proqrammable, qalvanically isolated 9) 2 pcs analoq outputs, proqrammable 9) 7 pcs diqital inputs, proqrammable, qalvanically isolated can divided into two qroups 9) 3 pcs relay outputs, proqrammable 9) Possibility for external control voltaqe • Inbuilt I/O extension and speed feedback modules: for more details see section “Control connections and communications” □ Inbuilt adapters for several fieldbuses: for more details see section “Control connections and communications” □ 58 Summary offeatures and options FE68404592 REV 3.5-2000 kW 690 5.5-1800 kW 400 2.1-160 kW 500 1.5-200 kW 690 5.7-1740 kW 500 3.5-160 kW 230 45-200 kW 400 90-400 kW 500 110-500 kW 690 90-560 kW 400 400-1450 kW 500 500-1900 kW 690 500-1900 kW 400 75-1600 kW 500 90-1800 kW 690 90-1700 kW 400 1.1-1600 kW 500 1.2 009 .Summary features and options Orderinq Code - (M) 104 (inverters) 204 (ISU) 304 and 704 (supply units) Power voltage range Frame sizes R2 R6 Frame sizes R7 R8 Frame sizes nxR8i Frame sizes R7i-nxR8i Frame sizes R2i 4*R8i Frame sizes R2i 4*R8i Frame sizes D3 5*D4 230 0.55-55 kW 400 1