Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 553 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
M ade ABB Global arket leader in AC drives. D TC, fast control unnecessary trips and process interruptions. Long otor cables can used without extra output Alters. Galvanic isolation I/O Safe and reliable operation ithout separate isolators and relays.. Several adjustable limits protect other equipm ent also. Optimal flux the otor reduces losses. Both positioning synchronizing control and normal speed / torque control available the sam hardware Same hardware and similar user interface for different applications meaning less training and fewer spare parts well easier system design and docum entation. World ide service and support network Professional support available around the world. Isolated input signals and relay outputs standard. ponents dim ensioned for heavy duty and long lifetime. Long experience. Active oscillation damping. DTC, flux optim ization and sophisticated otor model Excellent otor and drive efficiency cost savings. No torque ripple minimized risk for torsional vibration. Application know-how. 3A FE68404592 REV 3. Advanced thermal model allows high overloadability. Possibility also protect m otors and process. Well proven, safe and reliable solutions.7. shock torques.Drive modules main features Features Benefits Notes Industrial design Robust main circuit design Suitable for heavy industrial use. All term inals designed for industrial use Adequate size even for large aluminium cables. Right perform ance for every application D TC, accurate dynam and static speed and torque control Excellent process control even without pulse encoder improved product quality, productivity, reliability and lower investment cost. Reliable. Fast reaction load voltage variations prevents tripping.2009 Product series. No need for special tools I/O cabling. D allows high overloadability and gives high starting torque Reliable, ooth start without overdimensioning the drive. W orldw ide approvals: CE, UL, cUL, CSA, -Tick, GOST R Safe products that can used everywhere in the world. DTC, echanics friendly Less stress for echanics improves reliability. Rides through power interruptions using kinetic energy of the load. Extensive protections Enhanced reliability, fewer process interruptions