Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Liquid-cooled modules ACS800-X04 multidrive modules The multidrive principle based standard bus arrangement enabling single pow entry and com on braking resources for several drives. The high-efficiency liquid cooling removes the need for air- conditioning the installation rooms, bringing the installation and operation costs down. The ACS800 liquid-cooled multidrive modules are available from 1. There are several possibilities the supply side starting from simple diode supply unit highly sophisticated IGBT supply units.1 2000 kW. ■ The com supply the multidrive enables the implementation overall safety and control functions. With their compact and modular design and wide range powers, voltages and options, ABB multidrive modules offer optimised and simple cabinet installation. The pow range from 1.7. The single drive configuration contains rectifier, DC link and inverter one single drive unit.2009 Product series. The pow range from 0.1 2240 380 690V supply voltage while the ACS800 liquid-cooled single drive modules from 200 2,240 380 690V supply voltage. The multidrive construction simplifies the total installation and provides many advantages such as: ■ savings cabling, installation and maintenance costs ■ space savings ■ reduced com ponent count and increased reliability ■ reduced line currents and simpler braking arrangements ■ energy circulation over the common busbar, which can used for motor-to-motor braking without the need for braking chopper regenerative supply unit. The ACS800 liquid-cooled drive modules with direct liquid cooling and robust design are ultimate solution for various applications here space savings and silent operation must. Single drive The ACS800-X4 designed minimise the amount of cabinet space used and make cabinet assembly as easy possible.55 up to 1900 kW. Since the coolant takes care 98% the heat losses, no additional filtered air-cooling needed. The possibility have totally enclosed cabinet structure makes the ACS800 liquid-cooled drive modules perfect for harsh environmental conditions. This decreases the noise level and increases the total efficiency the converter installation. 3A FE68404592 REV 3.ACS800-X4 single drive modules ACS800-X4 units are com plete single drive module products that are optimised for assembly customers’ own cabinets