The unit can now started and allowed run until
initial adjustment with air measurement equipment has
taken place.
4: Check that the condensate drain correctly mounted
with water trap and protected from freezing.
6: reheating surface has been mounted the unit,
set the supply temperature 0-3°C below the room
temperature the dwelling.
Set all extract valves that the extract valve in
the kitchen opens rounds, the extract valve the
bathroom/toilet rounds and the extract valve the
utility room opens rounds from closed position.25 mm2
cable with maximum length m.
Inspection and initial adjustment appliance
To achieve optimum running the unit must initially
adjusted with air measuring equipment.9Subject Technical Modifications Energy and 3/GES Energy 1
Electrical installation
The electrical connection must carried out an
authorised electrical engineer. Pour 1
litre water into the condensate tray and make sure it
can run unhindered through the condensate drain pipe.
Open the intermediate valves 4-7 turns depending
on how far they are from the unit.
2: Check that hatches can opened that service and
maintenance the unit can carried out.
See accompaning electric diagram.
To start the unit before adjustment, follows:
Before starting the unit:
1: Check that the Genvex unit correctly mounted and
that all ducts are insulated required.
The cable between the unit and the control panel 4-
conductor 0. meters long.
Optima 100: The cable (RJ 45) between the unit and the
control panel must max.
3: Check that filters are clean (may dirty from
installation work).
5: Set all supply valves such that the valve closest the
unit opened three turns from closed position, while
the furthest open eight turns from closed position