GE Energy 1, 2 and 3 GES Energy 1

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Passive Ventilation with Electric Diagram for Optima 100 and Optima 250

Autor: Genvex A/S

Strana 4 z 18

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This will cause the supply to exchange places with the escaping and the fresh air with the extract, with the cover the correct side the unit. Weight: kg 1: Fresh (external) air 2: Escaping air 3: Extract air 4: Supply air 5: Countercurrent heat exchanger 6: Supply fan 7: Extract fan 8: Fresh air filter 9: Extract filter 10: Electrical cabinet 11: Condensate tray 12: Condensate drain mm 13: Bypass ø200 228 150175 266 ø200 ø15 ø200 ø200 1000 580 58010 4 31 2 5 8 9 7 6 12 10 12 11 13 GE Energy 2 Dimensions mm 1: Fresh (external) air 2: Escaping air 3: Extract air 4: Supply air 5: Countercurrent heat exchanger 6: Supply fan 7: Extract fan 8: Fresh air filter 9: Extract filter 10: Electrical cabinet 11: Condensate tray 12: Condensate drain mm 13: Bypass . the unit located the loft, there must free access the unit from the loft hatch. To allow access for service and maintenance, there must be clear space minimum 600 front the unit. Weight: kg GE Energy Installation The Energy available right-hand version (as shown). The drain connection will also the opposite side.Subject Technical Modifications Energy and 3/GES Energy 1 ø160 ø160 3827 ø160 ø160 ø15 175 580 1000 1000 191 310 380 150 5 3 4 91 2 6 8 10 12 12 11 13 GE Energy 1 Dimensions mm GE Energy Installation The Energy available right-hand version (as shown). The unit must positioned subsurface such that vibrations from the unit cannot transferred down through ceiling and walls and such that the condensate drain with the necessary trap can led internal drain without danger freezing cold weather, in the winter period unit may produce litres of condensate per day. The drain connection will also the opposite side. the unit located the loft, there must free access the unit from the loft hatch. The unit must positioned subsurface such that vibrations from the unit cannot transferred down through ceiling and walls and such that the condensate drain with the necessary trap can led internal drain without danger freezing cold weather, in the winter period unit may produce litres of condensate per day. Bypass: The units can delivered with modulising bypass or it can mounted site. For mirror image unit, the front and rear panels may removed, the back panel mounted the front and the unit rotated 180. To allow access for service and maintenance, there must be clear space minimum 600 front the unit. This will cause the supply to exchange places with the escaping and the fresh air with the extract, with the cover the correct side the unit. Bypass: The units can delivered with modulising bypass or it can mounted site. For mirror image unit, the front and rear panels may removed, the back panel mounted the front and the unit rotated 180°