Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

| Kategorie: Katalog  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 801 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
• Mean time repair typically hour Emissions • Electric drives avoid emissions. Better process control • greater accuracy • smooth control low flow rates • wider range control • faster response with greater stability • reduced production waste and higher quality • set-points quickly reached and therefore shorter production times • renowned reliability and adaptability Soft starting • less mechanical stress motor and driven plant • minimum repercussions the supply system • reduced temperature rise while the motor is accelerating • need pony motors and clutches • starting very large motors and generators Typical applications Speed control and soft starting of - fans and pumps - high-speed compressors - reciprocating compressors - wind tunnel blowers - blast furnace blowers - rolling mills - extruders - marine propulsion systems - test bays Substantial savings energy and maintenance costs Smoother running results in - higher productivity - longer plant life 2 . Processes and industries - power plants - chemicals and petrochemicals - building materials - metals - mining - research and development - water and sewage treatment - marine and offshore - oil and gas - pulp and paper Reasons for using MEGADRIVE-LCI Efficiency • Compressors, fans and pumps run at their optimum operating point. • «Softer» control reduces wear motor and driven plant. Maintenance • Less stress and wear reduces the maintenance requirement. • Substantial energy savings Reliability • Mechanical flow control devices as potential source failures are eliminated. (a significant advantage today's world) • Noise reduced the minimum possible.Large adjustable speed drives designed to raise your profitability You would surprised how many industrial processes can improved using adjust­ able speed electric motors. The larger the process and the higher the performance demands, the greater the benefits from electronic speed control. The energy savings alone drive few megawatts can offset the cost the speed control system just months few years