• Single-phase power stack
• Half-controlled thyristor/diode bridge
(1-Q).02 x
<16 3.
The overvoltage protection unit DCF506 suitable for
2-Q converters DCS800-S01 and for
4-Q converters DCS800-S02.
• Field output voltage UA:
s .
• Same design DCF803-0050.15 x
Field supply converter
for otor fields
Overvoltage protec
DCS800-S0X-0680-05 *
* max field current 520 A
* three-phase operation recommended
' requires line choke ND402 CF506-140-51, ithout cover
3ADW 000192R 0401 S800 Technical catalog.
Autotransformer for single-phase field supply
This converter can also used for field
exciter operation, additional over
voltage protection unit required. With quickly alter
nating field current, the bridge runs fully-controlled
mode.9 2.03 x
<30 3.
• Construction and components have
been designed for insulation voltage
of 690 AC.230 V/1-ph).04 x
<50 3.
Assignm ent field supply converter over
voltage protection unit
fo field current Autotransform DCF803-0016 DCF803-0050
type 50/60 DCF803-0035 DCF804-0050
FEX-425 Int
Up„m= <500 V
<6 3.8 1.11 x
<12 3.5 1.
• Built-in line chokes.01 x
<12 3.05 x
U„ <600 V
<6 3.6 0.25 1.
• Built-in line chokes.
• Field output voltage
UArespectively Utax2_Q:
see table onpage 5
• Recommendation:
UA= 0.13 x
U„ <690 V
<30 3.
In the steady-state condition, the fully-controlled
bridge runs half-controlled mode keep the
voltage ripple low possible.0 UA
• The large field supply converters DCS800-S01/S02
need separate active overvoltage protection unit
DCF506 for protecting the power part against inadmis-
sibly high voltages.
• Microprocessor control with the control
electronics being supplied separately
(115. It
provides field currents from to
520 unipolar (2-Q) and bipolar (4-Q)
for field reversal function..1 UV= 0.12 x
<16 3.7 UA
• Single-phase power stack
• Fully-controlled antiparallel thyristor bridges (4-Q)
• This unit offers field reversal well fast-response
excitation de-excitation.9
V 100%
TOL tolerance line voltage %
Uv Line voltage
UA= Field voltage
• Recommendation:
UA= 0..14 x
<50 3