Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 783 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
.) Motor protections Stall protections Thermal motor model 2 channel motor temperature measurement PTC PT100 Klixon supervision Speed feedback error Over speed Armature current ripple Armature over current Minimum field current Master-Follower applications Drives connected Master-Follower application If motors run with the same speed torque connected to the same shaft gearbox are called MASTER FOLLOWER. Five macros are pre-defined and two user macros can be configured the customer. Functions basic firmware Different speed ramp function Speed control Torque control Armature current control Field current control Automatic field weakening E-stop function according Profibus standard Dual field control Mechanical brake control DC breaker control Interface for fieldbus and module bus Programmable digital and analogue outputs Master-Follower bus 16 blocks Adaptive Program Interface for IEC 61131 programming 12-pulse function parallel, serial, sequential 3-phase field exciter operation Converter protection (temperature, voltage,. All parameters can accessed by the serial communication IEC 61131 adaptive programming. It possible connect two 12-pulse systems con­ verters, T-reactor and motor) to one 12-pulse transformer.o. For more information, please see anu 12-pulse opera­ tion. 1 000192R 0401 S800 Technical catalog ABB .. Only the 11thand 13th, the 23rdand 25th, the 35tha. This configuration delivers the same advantages concerning harmonics the network a standard 12- pulse application (see next item), but T-reac- tor needed. The harmonics on the side are reduced too, which gives higher ef­ ficiency. quasi 12-pulse Typical configuration for high power drives connected in 12-pulse parallel, serial sequential application 12-pulse systems are used for reduced line harmonics, reduced motor noise level, enlarged output current or voltage converter system. The firmware interface for several fieldbuses and mod­ ule bus included.s. Quasi 12-pulse Master-Follower configuration The converters are fed by a 12-pulse transformer with separated secondary windings whose phase positions differ by 30°el.DCS800 firmware DCS800 basic firmware DCS800 firmware includes the basic function speed control, armature current, field current and motor volt­ age. are existing. The design drive logic enables drive reaction de­ fined Profibus standard but can also configured to adapt classic command structures. The flexible design for command location enables field bus control master-follower control control from hardware signals well mixed structure