Poznámky redaktora
Motor protections
Stall protections
Thermal motor model
2 channel motor temperature measurement PTC PT100
Klixon supervision
Speed feedback error
Over speed
Armature current ripple
Armature over current
Minimum field current
Master-Follower applications
Drives connected Master-Follower application
If motors run with the same
speed torque connected to
the same shaft gearbox are
Five macros are pre-defined and two user macros can
be configured the customer.
Functions basic firmware
Different speed ramp function
Speed control
Torque control
Armature current control
Field current control
Automatic field weakening
E-stop function according Profibus standard
Dual field control
Mechanical brake control
DC breaker control
Interface for fieldbus and module bus
Programmable digital and analogue outputs
Master-Follower bus
16 blocks Adaptive Program
Interface for IEC 61131 programming
12-pulse function parallel, serial, sequential
3-phase field exciter operation
Converter protection (temperature, voltage,. All parameters can accessed by
the serial communication IEC 61131 adaptive
It possible connect
two 12-pulse systems con
verters, T-reactor and motor)
to one 12-pulse transformer.o.
For more information, please
see anu 12-pulse opera
1 000192R 0401 S800 Technical catalog ABB
Only the 11thand 13th, the
23rdand 25th, the 35tha.
This configuration delivers the
same advantages concerning
harmonics the network a
standard 12- pulse application
(see next item), but T-reac-
tor needed. The harmonics
on the side are reduced
too, which gives higher ef
quasi 12-pulse
Typical configuration for high power drives connected in
12-pulse parallel, serial sequential application
12-pulse systems are used
for reduced line harmonics,
reduced motor noise level,
enlarged output current or
voltage converter system.
The firmware interface for several fieldbuses and mod
ule bus included.s.
Quasi 12-pulse Master-Follower configuration
The converters are fed by
a 12-pulse transformer with
separated secondary windings
whose phase positions differ
by 30°el.DCS800 firmware
DCS800 basic firmware
DCS800 firmware includes the basic function speed
control, armature current, field current and motor volt
are existing.
The design drive logic enables drive reaction de
fined Profibus standard but can also configured to
adapt classic command structures. The flexible design for command location enables
field bus control master-follower control control
from hardware signals well mixed structure