DCS800 macros
DCS800 equipped with seven different macros to
cover the most frequent parameter settings.30VAITAC- -
4 AITAC+ -
5 AI1- Speed reference Speedreference Speed reference Speedreference Torquereference6 AI1+
7 AI2-
8 AI2+
9 AI3-
10 AI3+
1 AI4-
2 AI4+
3 -
4 +10V -
X4: -10V -
6 -
7 AO1 Motorspeed Motorspeed Motorspeed Motorspeed Motorspeed Motorspeed
8 AO2 Actual armat. volt. -
Serial com unication Speed reference Speed reference
1 000192R 0401 S800 Technical catalog ABB
Terminal allocation macros
Terminal Signal Factory Standard Manual constant
Hand auto Hand otor pot Motor pot Torque control
1 90. volt. ReadyRun ReadyOn ReadyOn ReadyOn ReadyRun ReadyRun
2 DO2 Fieldexcit.. External fault Direction Direction Direction Motorpotdown External fault
4 DI4 Off2(coaststop) External alarm Parameterselect Speed ref.. already defined the macro.. During start-up,
the drive can configured easily without chang
ing individual parameters. The functions all inputs
and several outputs and allocations the control
structure are influenced the selection macro.
The means, whether the drive speed-controlled or
torque-controlled, whether supplementary references
are processed, which actual values are available the
analog outputs, which reference value sources are used
etc. Jog1 Jog1 StartStop Motorpot Direction Off2(coast stop)
2 DI2 Motorfanack. select Motorpot minimum -
5 DI5 E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop
6 DI6 Reset Reset Reset Reset Reset Reset Reset
7 DI7 OnOff1 OnOff1 OnStart pulse OnOff1 OnStart pulse OnOff1 OnOff1
8 DI8 StartStop StartStop Off1 StoppulseNC Off1 StoppulseNC StartStop StartStop
9 +24V -
10 -
1 DO1 FansOncmd. On
cmd.270VAITAC- -
2 30. Macros are
pre-programmed parameter sub-sets. Motortorque
9 IACT Actual current Actual current Actual current Actual current Actual current Actual current Actual current
10 -
1 ChA+ -
2 ChA- -
3 ChB+ -
4 ChB- -
X5: ChZ+ -
6 ChZ- -
7 -
8 Sense -
9 Powerout -
10 Sence powerout -
1 DI1 Converterfanack. Jog2 Jog2 HandAuto Motorpotdown Motorpot Torqueselect
3 DI3 Maincontact. Actual motorcurr. Oncmd. Actual motorcurr.. ack.90VAITAC- -
3 8.
6 DO6 -
7 DO7 -
8 -
X96: 1
2 DO8Relay Maincontact. ReadyRef(running) ReadyRef(running) ReadyRef(running) ReadyRef(running) Abovelimit ReadyRef(running)
3 DO3 Maincontact. Actual armat. Easy commissioning is
based three columns.
• Adaptive programming provides very flexible set
of function blocks and solves problems during com-
missionig. Actual motorcurr. select Speed ref. On
cmd.. Faultoralarm Tripped(fault) Tripped(fault) Tripped(fault) Faultoralarm Faultoralarm
X7: DO4 Zerospeed Zerospeed Zerospeed Zerospeed Zerospeed Zerospeed
5 DO5 Abovelimit Abovelimit Abovelimit Abovelimit Atsetpoint DC-breakertrip
• Assistance guide through required parameter setting
during commissioning and all auto-tunings.Easy commissioning
Easy-to-use saves customer time consumption and
keeps required training low.
• DCS800 equipped with macros cover the most
frequent parameter settings