Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 773 z 825

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This lowers the dynamics of the drive and only recommended for non-dynamic applications (e. 4-Q drives can be built by: • Double (4-Q) armature bridge or • Single (2-Q) armature bridge plus double (4-Q) field converter bridge The bridge type has influence the maximum out­ put voltage the converter. E-Stop function). Reference variables The voltage characteristics are shown the table beside. The power section the converters available as single (2-Q) bridge double (4-Q) bridge. The voltage characteristics have been calculated using the following assumptions: • UVN= rated input terminal voltage, 3-phase • Voltage tolerance ±10 % • Internal voltage drop approx.g.. All converter modules 525 and 1000 (D1..DCS800 power converter modules General The power converter modules DCS800-S have the pro­ tection class IP00 and are mounted cubicle or finger protected area. It can snapped into place the power converter module installed the switchgear cubicle door by means mounting kit. 1% • deviation voltage drop has taken into consideration compliance with IEC and VDE standards, the output voltage the output current must reduced the actual factor ac­ cording the table the right. See table below. M otor ' ^vo ltage 4 -Q System connection voltage DC voltage (recommended) Ideal DC voltage without load Recommended DCS800 voltage class UVN Udmax 2-Q Udmax 4-Q Ud,0 [V] [V] [V] [V] 230 265 240 310 04 380 440 395 510 04 400 465 415 540 04 415 480 430 560 04 440 510 455 590 05 460 530 480 620 05 480 555 500 640 05 500 580 520 670 05 525 610 545 700 05 575 670 600 770 06 600 700 625 810 06 660 765 685 890 07 690 800 720 930 07 800 915 820 1060 08 990 1160 1040 1350 10 1200 1380 1235 1590 12 I d a r y ­ t . are also available, complete the drive system. D4) are equipped with field exciters. There are different sizes (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7), graduated terms current and voltage ranges. Accessories such external fuses, line reactors etc. 4-Q drives are required for regenerative breaking. ABB 000192R 0401 S800 Technical catalog. The maximum output voltage 4-Q drive can be increased the level Thus the torque reversal from motoring mode generating mode increases 300 ms. All units are equipped with the DCS800 Control Panel