Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 739 z 825

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2009 15 ABB 3AFE68675073 REV 19. Albania (Tirana) Croatia (Zagreb) Israel (Haifa) Oman (Muscat) Sri Lanka (Colombo) Tel: +355 241 492 Tel: +385 600 8550 Tel: +972 850 2111 Tel: +968 2456 7410 Tel: +94 2399304/6 Fax: +355 234 368 Fax: +385 619 5111 Fax: +972 850 2112 Fax: +968 2456 7406 Fax: +94 2399303 Algeria Czech Republic (Prague) Italy (Milan) Pakistan (Lahore) Sweden (Västeras) Tel: +213 553 860 Tel: +420 234 322 327 Tel: +39 2414 3085 Tel: +92 6315 882-85 Tel: +46 (0)21 5000 Fax: +213 552 330 e-mail: motors& our customers all industries can gain the full benefit Fax: +809 562 9011 Jordan (Amman) The Philippines (Metro Manila) Taiwan (Taipei) Austria (Vienna) Ecuador (Quito) Tel: +962 562 0181 Tel: +63 821 7777 Tel: +886 2577 6090 Tel: +43 60109 Tel: +593 2500 645 Fax: +962 5621369 Fax: +63 823 0309, 824 4637 Fax: +886 2577 9467, 2577 Fax: +43 60109 8312 Fax: +593 2500 650 9434 Kazakhstan (Almaty) Poland (Lodz) Azerbaijan (Baku) Egypt (Cairo) Tel: 727 2583838 Tel: +48 299 3000 Tanzania (Dar Salaam) Tel: +994 404 5200 Tel: +202 6251630 Fax: 727 2583839 Fax: +48 299 3340 Tel: +255 2136750, 2136751, Fax: +994 404 5202 Tel: +27 617 2000 Fax: +58 212 237 6270 Tel: +86 5821 7788 Indonesia (Jakarta) Fax: +27 908 2061 Fax: +86 5821 7618 Tel: +62 2551 5555 New Zealand (Auckland) Vietnam (Hochiminh) e-mail: and Tel: +64 356 2160 South Korea (Seoul) Tel: +84 8237 972 Colombia (Bogotá) Fax: +64 357 0019 Tel: +82 528 2794 Fax: +84 8237 970 Tel: +57 417 8000 Iran (Tehran) Fax: +82 528 2338 Fax: +57 413 4086 Tel: +98 2222 5120 Nigeria (Ikeja, Lagos) Zim babwe (Harare) Fax: +98 2222 5157 Tel: +234 4937 347 Spain (Barcelona) Tel: +263 369 070 Costa Rica (San Jose) Fax: +234 4937 329 Tel: +34 (9)3 728 8500 Fax: +263 369 084 Tel: +506 288 5484 Ireland (Dublin) Fax: +34 (9)3 728 7659 Fax: +506 288 5482 Tel: +353 405 7300 Norway (Oslo) Fax: +353 405 7307 Tel: +47 03500 2136752 Kenya (Nairobi) Portugal (Oeiras) Fax: +255 2136749 Bahrain (Manama) Salvador (San Salvador) Tel: +254 828811/13 Tel: +351 425 6000 Tel: +973 725 377 Tel: +503 2264 5471 Fax: +254 828812/21 Fax: +351 425 6390, 425 6354 Thailand (Bangkok) Fax: +973 725 332 Fax: +503 2264 2497 Tel: +66 (0)2665 1000 Kuwait (Kuwait city) Qatar (Doha) Fax: +66 (0)2665 1042 Bangladesh (Dhaka) Estonia (Tallinn) Tel: +965 2428626 ext. from our products. 106 Tel: +974 4253888 Tel: +88 8856468 Tel: +372 6801 800 Fax: +965 2403139 Fax: +974 4312630 Tunisia (Tunis) Fax: +88 8850906 e-mail: Tel: +216 860 366 Latvia (Riga) Romania (Bucharest) Fax: +216 860 255 Belarus (Minsk) Ethiopia (Addis Abeba) Tel: +371 063 600 Tel: +40 310 4377 Tel: +375 228 40, 228 Tel: +251 669506, 669507 Fax: +371 063 601 Fax: +40 310 4383 Turkey (Istanbul) Fax: +375 228 Fax: +251 669511 Tel: +90 216 528 2200 Lithuania (Vilnius) Russia (Moscow) Fax: +90 216 365 2944 Belgium (Zaventem) Finland (Helsinki) Tel: +370 273 8300 Tel: 495 960 00 Tel: +32 718 6320 Tel: +358 Fax: +370 273 8333 Fax: 495 960 Uganda (Nakasero, Kampala) Fax: +32 718 6664 Tel: +358 222 1999 Tel: +256 348 800 Fax: +358 222 2913 Luxembourg (Leudelange) Saudi-Arabia (Al Khobar) Fax: +256 348 799 Bolivia (La Paz) Tel: +352 493 116 Tel: +966 (0)3 882 9394, ext.3.BB’s worldwide presence built strong local For further details about all our low voltage drives com panies working together with the channel partner and services please contact your nearest ABB office network. combining the experience and know -how ABB drives channel partner visit the websites gained local and global markets, ensure that 3008 Slovakia (Banska Bystrica) Tel: +598 707 7466 Canada (Montreal) Fax: +52 (55) 5328 7467 Tel: +421 410 2324 Tel: 514 420 3100 Hungary (Budapest) Fax: +421 410 2325 USA (New Berlin) Fax: 514 420 3138 Tel: +36 443 2224 Morocco (Casablanca) Tel: 800 752 0696 Fax: +36 443 2144 Tel: +212 234 5540 Slovenia (Ljubljana) Tel: 262 785 3200 Chile (Santiago) Fax: +212 234 2099 Tel: +386 2445 440 Fax: 262 785 0397 Tel: +56 471 4391 India (Bangalore) Fax: +386 2445 490 Fax: +56 471 4399 Tel: +91 2294 9585 The Netherlands (Rotterdam) Venezuela (Caracas) Fax: +91 2294 9389 Tel: +31 (0)10 407 8886 South Africa (Johannesburg) Tel: +58 212 2031949 China (Beijing) e-mail: 240, Tel: +591 278 8181 France (Montluel) Fax: +352 492 859 254, 247 Ukraine (Kiev) Fax: +591 278 8184 Tel: +33 (0)4 Fax: +966 (0)3 882 4603 Tel: +380 495 11 Fax: +33 (0)4 Macedonia (Skopje) Fax: +380 495 10 Bosnia Herzegovina (Tuzla) Tel: +389 118 010 Senegal (Dakar) Tel: +387 246 020 Germany (Ladenburg) Fax: +389 118 774 Tel: +221 832 1242, 832 3466 The United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Fax: +387 255 098 Tel: +01805 222 580 (Service) Fax: +221 832 2057, 832 1239 Tel: +971 3147500, 3401777 Tel: +49 (0)6203 717 717 Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Fax: +971 3401771, 3401539 Brazil (Osasco) Fax: +49 (0)6203 717 600 Tel: +603 5628 4888 Serbia (Belgrade) Tel: 0800 014 9111 Fax: +603 5635 8200 Tel: +381 3094 320, 3094 300 United Kingdom (Daresbury, Tel: +55 3688 9282 Greece (Athens) Fax: +381 3094 343 Warrington) Fax: +55 3688 9421 Tel: +30 210 289 651 Mauritius (Port-Louis) Tel: +44 1925 741 111 Fax: +30 210 289 792 Tel: +230 208 7644, 211 8624 Singapore (Singapore) Fax: +44 1925 741 693 Bulgaria (Sofia) Fax: +230 211 4077 Tel: +65 6776 5711 Tel: +359 807 5500 Guatem ala (Guatem ala City) Fax: +65 6778 0222 Uruguay (Montevideo) Fax: +359 807 5599 Tel: +502 363 3814 Mexico (Mexico City) Tel: +598 707 7300 Fax: +502 363 3624 Tel: +52 (55) 5328 1400 Fax: +39 2414 3979 Fax: +92 6368 565 Fax: +46 (0)21 8671 Argentina (Valentin Alsina) Denmark (Skovlunde) Ivory Coast (Abidjan) Panama (Panama City) Switzerland (Zürich) Tel: +54 4229 5500 Tel: +45 504 345 Tel: +225 7575 Tel: +507 209 5400, 2095408 Tel: +41 (0)58 586 0000 Fax: +54 4229 5784 Fax: +45 504 365 Fax: +225 0414 Fax: +507 209 5401 Fax: +41 (0)58 586 0603 Australia (Victoria Notting Hill) Dominican Republic (Santo Japan (Tokyo) Peru (Lima) Syrian Arab Republic Tel: +1800 222 435 Domingo) Tel: +81(0)3 5784 6010 Tel: +51 415 5100 Tel: +963 212 7018 9551 Tel: +61 8544 0000 Tel: +809 562 9010 Fax: +81(0)3 5784 6275 Fax: +51 561 2902 Fax: +963 212 8614 e-mail: