Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Safety standard. Several mounting and cooling options DIN-rail, back plate, side-by-side, cold plate and liquid cooling. Each feedback interface option has inputs and one output. Easy develop solutions for specific applications, saving tim and engineering design costs. M ory unit for easy drive anagem ent Com plete drive configuration and settings are stored in a separate ory unit.3. O ptim installation layout and efficient cabinet space usage. W ide range feedback interfaces Different speed and position feedback devices can be used for closed loop and otion control. M odular and com pact design C pact size Five com pact frame sizes cover the wide power range (0. User interface and programming Easy drive sizing and selection M CSize feature within the sizing tool selects optim um drive and otor com bination based given motion and echanics data. Offers flexibility system design. Enables daisy-chaining multiple drives control m achine axes. Com link Several drives can connected ith com DC link. Different comm unication options for aster comm unication Flexibility with master com unication the drive supports PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet and Ethernet com unication. Integrated braking chopper Braking chopper standard. M odular design Drive has three main parts power, control and memory units. D rive-to-drive link as standard Fast and powerful drive-to-drive link can used for synchronized peer-to-peer com unication. Choose the network standard that best suits your requirements. Saves energy due reduced need for supply-side power. Sim ple and flexible hum an-m achine interface 7-segm ent display shows the drive status.75 160 kW).2009. Advanced control panel can used for general service routines. Optim ized solutions for various cabinet designs and lay­ outs, providing installation flexibility. Offers quick and easy after-sales service. I/O extensions options Plug-in I/O extensions available add analogue and digital inputs/outputs. Each drive can have its own braking resistor. M otors and drives can rapidly specified using DriveSize sizing tool. R ead y-m ade solution programs Ready-made solution program provide specific drive functionality for the application. Cost-effective and certified solution for safe machine maintenance. ABB 3AFE68675073 REV 19. Suitable for wide range standard and demanding applications. Use one input connection for several drives. I/O extensions offer flexibility addition the extensive standard offering. Drive functionality can easily configured, odified or updated ith the ory unit. High bandw idth for torque, speed and position control. Asynchronous and synchronous otor com patibility Various otor types from asynchronous otors (standard induction motors, servo) synchronous m otors (servo, high torque), can controlled open or closed loop mode. Solution program can be odified new ones developed using technology function libraries.Features Feature Advantage Benefit Control and perform ance Various control arrangem ents Speed and torque control variant well motion control variant. External options like mains choke, mains filter and braking resistors are available for different system configurations. DriveStudio PC-program offer easy access drive program ing and start-up features. D rive programming Application control programming ith IEC-61131 function blocks provides easy and innovative method for extending drive firm ware functionality. One drive can used with various motor types. Provides opportunity create tailor-m ade application solutions thereby avoiding additional hardware or software costs. power control unit can be replaced ithout param eter setting. Easy read and interpret user interface with the drive. Alm ost any kind feedback can used provide different configurations. Integrated Safe Torque- O (STO) function Safe Torque-Off can used for prevention of unexpected start-up and other safety related stopping functions. Use centralized distributed braking resistors for regenerative power. pact and cost-effective design