Poznámky redaktora
• Reduced installation and commissioning
time. Synchronous
and/or induction motors,
high low power, any
combination possible
in order provide the
optimum configuration.
Multi-motor drive configurations
For multiple synchronous induction
motors combination
of both types.
The ACS 6000 designed set of
modules.Modular use, one design
The ACS 6000 based modular product platform, expanding line
with customer’s requirements.
• The compact, standardized design and
the integrated water-cooling system
reduce space requirements and have
positive impacts room air conditioning.
Twin configurations
For motors with winding
systems supplied both
ends the converter. five
motors can linked
to com s,
enabling multiple machine
Redundant drive configurations
For motors with two winding systems.
Benefits modularity
• Converter rating optimally adapted to
customer requirements. The modules are arranged
according the required output power,
motor configuration and process needs.
Single drives can configured to
allow various schemes for
redundancy offering
greater availability of
the drive system .
10 ACS 6000 ABB
Depending the application, the following four basic types configurations are used:
Single-motor drive configurations
For synchronous, induction and permanent
magnet motors. This
allows higher converter
output frequencies and
double output voltage.
• Each configuration consists well-
proven modules, minimizing the risk
of design errors even when extensive
systems are engineered.
• Multidrive topologies with common
DC bus are possible. Single-motor configurations
are com only used in
applications which require
large, independent and
decentralized drives