Poznámky redaktora
.Technology highlights
Reliability has been the main guiding principle the research and development
activities for ABB’s medium voltage drives.
ABB uses high power semiconductor switching
devices and topology that brings down the
part count minimum.e. This results a
reliable, compact and service-friendly drive. BB’s
ACS 6000 medium voltage drive can operate
without encoder, thereby reducing maintenance
costs and ensuring high levels availability.
Fast response mains fluctuations
and process side changes
The exceptionally fast torque step response
of the ACS 6000 means that can respond
to process and mains changes extremely fast.
This enables easy handling power-loss
situations and sudden load changes. This allows fast startup after safety
In DTC, stator flux
D l
Typical torque (T) response DTC drive, compared
with flux vector control with open loop Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM)
and torque are
used primary
control variables. Due to
the continuous updating the motor state
and the comparison the actual values to
the reference values, every single switching
in the inverter determ ined separately.
Low losses
The inherently low total losses the IGCT
require low cooling capacity and small cooling
Fuseless design
The ACS 6000 medium voltage drive is
designed operate safely without fuses,
resulting less spare parts and better overall
Part count
The fewer the parts the higher the reliability.
DTC ensures the absolute lowest losses by
switching the power semiconductors only
when necessary.
8 ACS 6000
The ACS drive control platform is
based BB’s award-winning
Direct Torque Control (DTC), resulting
in the highest torque and speed performance
as ell low est losses ever achieved in
medium voltage drives.
Encoders are known cause failures due to
their exposed position the motor. Control the drive
is immediate and smooth under all conditions
and the audible noise the motor is
considerably reduced.
The motor state
calculations are
updated 40,000
times second
(i. every ps)
in the advanced
motor software
m odel the
digital signal
What Direct Torque Control?
DTC revolutionary motor control method
for drives that allows accurate control of
both motor speed and torque without pulse
encoder feedback from the motor shaft.
IGCT switching devices
ABB has developed high power semiconductor
called IGCT (Integrated ate Commutated
Thyristor) allow the use modern control
algorithm hich can elim inate harm onics,
improve dynamic response time and maintain,
or even control, the power factor