Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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result, ABB has the largest installed base medium voltage multidrives worldwide. result, the size for complete system for given pow rating has been reduced compared other available solutions. replaces com plex power electronics circuits with single, multi­ function device. Compared other available solutions, the VSI-MF topology provides num ber of advantages: Higher power density and smaller footprint Smooth output waveform suitable for standard motors ABB ACS 5000. In 1999 ABB launched the ACS 6000, the first PEBB-based variable speed drive for single and multi-motor applications. The ACS 5000 topology provides the optimal solution because has enough switching levels to enable the use standard motors while at the same time keeping the parts count a minimum. Since its introduction, the ACS 6000 has gained excellent reputation for high quality and reliability. By combining power electronic building blocks higher voltages can reached, enabling reliable and efficient operation motors 6. VSI-MF topology Based the successes the IGCT and PEBB technologies, ABB developed the Voltage Source Inverter Multilevel-Fuseless (VSI-MF) topology.9 kV. The very high power density the PEBB is based the use snubberless IGCTs, enabling reduced parts count and compact mechanical arrangement.PEBB The heart the inverter the Power Electronic Building Block (PEBB). However, too many switching levels decrease reliability and efficiency because the number components increases. Motor-friendly with low parts count In order get sinusoidal voltage the motor, the number switching levels would have to approach infinity