Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

| Kategorie: Katalog  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 67 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Proprietary (DDCS, Drive bus) and generic (PROFIBUS, InterBus, DeviceNet) protocols enable linking drives to controllers, PLC and PCs.2004 29 . Benefits with System Application • Extended communication capability, data words available for both directions between the drive and overriding system. Pump and Fan Control Better flow control and cost savings for parallel motors various industrial pump and fan applications. Extruder Control High starting torque, accurate speed/torque control without encoder for demanding extruder applica­ tions. 3AFE 68248531 REV 31. motors) • Thermal model for motor cable protection • Motor fan control with diagnostics • Freely programmable outputs: analog (max. Crane Drive Control Cost-effective crane drive control with optimal opera­ tional safety and outstanding performance already built in. Master/Follower Control Reliable control via the fibre optic link several drives when motor shafts are coupled together. The basic control modes are speed control and torque control. Featuring many important PFC functions, including sleep/ wake and autochange etc. Fast communication with the overriding controller can exchange operative data (references, command words) and support data (configuration data, diagnostics). • Torsional oscillation damping function damp mechanical oscillations. • Easy installation and start-up reduces the total project costs • Ready use with proven modular crane functionality • Accurate and fast torque response increases the operational productivity • Smooth crane operation reduces maintenance and damage costs • Available single drive and multi-drive with dynamic and regenerative braking Standard ready-to-use crane drive solution with optimal operational safety and outstanding crane drive perfor­ mance. and digital (max.3. The major features are the soft changeover between the speed and torque control modes, drooping in speed control, fast Master-Follower link between two or more drives and inertia compensation. Integrated Decanter Control for the accu­ rate speed difference control two shafts, where direct communication via the fibre optic link between bowl and scroll used. Thanks Master/Follower function the load can be evenly distributed between the drives.. 5) • Speed control gain function output low speed function motor frequency Centrifuge Control Practical programmable sequences for conventional centrifuges. ■ System Application The software targeted for multi-motor machines producing processing metal, paper, plastics, textile, rubber, cement, and for numerous other demanding applications. The extruder screw and other delicate mechanical parts can protected against overload. • PT100 PTC measurement (max