Poznámky redaktora
M otors can used ithout derating and long cable
runs betw een otor and drive are not problem .
The sine filter gives excellent waveform ,
elim inating harm onics and com ode voltage
and reducing stress the motor.
High reliability for inim tim .
Elim ination lta stresses for longer oto r
lifetim e.
The cooling available ith redundant
fans pum ps.
M inim ics avoid system
interferences and utility penalties.
• Separate transform reduces the air-conditioning
requirem ents.
A special feature DTC its ability ride
thro ain voltage interruptions.
A IGCT high itch device results
in low rts providing efficient and
reliable converter.
The -/2 lse rectifier eets the ost
string requirem ents international sta s
for rre and lta arm onic istortion.
Flexible tran sfo figuration.
Fast, ccu and rob tro for
co sta quality, inim raw aterial
w ste and inim achinery wear.
A the clo cce drive cia lists and
spare parts.
ABB, the largest drives supplier orldw ide, has a
global support network, hich provides assistance
and spare parts hours/day, 365 days/year.Features and benefits
H ighest input tran sfo flexibility:
• Integrated tran sfo for ick installation and
co issio . The losses from the transform do
not dissipate into the electrical room .
D rlveM onitor™ provides ito rin cce the
drive even from rem ote locations. The air-
co drives the 1000 fam ily are available
w ith tra sfo r,
w ich can placed tsid the electrical room .
ABB ACS 1000, ACS 1000i.
P loss ideThrough
S ple and efficient aintenance
U ser-friendly drive onitoring and rem ote
The 1000 and 1000i have been designed
to allow easy fron access.
The fast tro rovided Direct Torque Control
(DTC) allows optim process control and exact
m otor perform ance ith inim ripple
and energy tio