Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 636 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
7 1171 465 940 555 1499 527 1210 1171 430 940 468 1277 449 1030 ACS800-607-0940-5 R8i 2. For exam ple, brake unit fram size 2xR8i including o brake odules resistors are needed.4 2342 931 2600 1110 2997 1053 3330 2342 850 2600 937 2498 878 2770 ACS800-607-2600-7 2xR8i 2.2 1.0 2.1 1562 621 1000 740 1998 702 1290 1562 565 1000 625 1655 581 1060 ACS800-607-1000-3 2xR8i 1.2 1.2 2.1 781 310 500 370 999 351 640 781 282 500 312 827 291 530 ACS800-607-0500-3 R8i 1.1 390 155 250 185 500 176 320 390 143 250 156 422 148 270 ACS800-607-0250-3 R7i 1.0 2.4 3514 1396 2260 1665 4496 1580 2890 3514 1271 2260 1405 3723 1308 2400 ACS800-607-2260-3 3xR8i 1. Typical ratings for no-overload use /dc Total input current brake unit.0 7.1 390 155 430 185 500 176 550 390 143 430 156 422 148 470 ACS800-607-0430-7 R7i 3.4 5856 2327 3770 2775 7493 2633 4820 5856 2118 3770 2342 6205 2180 3990 ACS800-607-3770-3 5xR8i U 500 V 4. Frame Dimensions Noise level Cooling media Height Width Width Depth Air flow size mm bottom entry mm top exit mm dB(A) dB(A)2) m3/h Un 400 V R7i 2003 400 400 644 800 R8i 2130 500 700 644 1280 R8i 2130 500 700 644 1280 2xR8i 2130 1000 1400 644 2560 2xR8i 2130 1000 1400 644 2560 3xR8i 2130 1500 2100 644 3840 4xR8i 2130 2000 2800 644 5120 5xR8i 2130 2500 3500 644 6400 Un 500 V R7i 2003 400 400 644 800 R8i 2130 500 700 644 1280 R8i 2130 500 700 644 1280 2xR8i 2130 1000 1400 644 2560 2xR8i 2130 1000 1400 644 2560 3xR8i 2130 1500 2100 644 3840 4xR8i 2130 2000 2800 644 5120 5xR8i 2130 2500 3500 644 6400 Un 690 V R7i 2003 400 400 644 800 R8i 2130 500 700 644 1280 R8i 2130 500 700 644 1280 2xR8i 2130 1000 1400 644 2560 2xR8i 2130 1000 1400 644 2560 3xR8i 2130 1500 2100 644 3840 4xR8i 2130 2000 2800 644 5120 5xR8i 2130 2500 3500 644 6400 26 Hardware options 3AFE68248531 REV 20.4 4685 1862 3010 2220 5994 2106 3860 4685 1694 3010 1874 4964 1744 3190 ACS800-607-3010-3 4xR8i 1.4 4685 1862 5200 2220 5994 2106 6650 4685 1700 5200 1874 4995 1755 5540 ACS800-607-5200-7 4xR8i 2. Note: onnect one resistor per brake odule phase.4 1171 465 750 555 1499 527 960 1171 424 750 468 1241 436 800 ACS800-607-0750-3 R8i 1. Rmax Resistance value the brake resistor for one phase of the brake odule corresponding the axim um achieved continuous braking power.7 2342 931 1880 1110 2997 1053 2410 2342 860 1880 937 2555 898 2060 ACS800-607-1880-5 2xR8i 1.3 5.0 2. Pbr Short term braking pow per brake unit allow for one inute every minutes.0 2.2 1.6 781 310 630 370 999 351 800 781 284 630 312 835 293 670 ACS800-607-0630-5 R8i 1.5 4. 2) Average noise level ith controlled cooling fan.4 1. 1 IP21 and IP42.4 1.Multidrive 3-phase high power brake units Resistors values Ratings Rmin Ratings Rmax Type code Frame size No-overload use Cycle load (1min/5min) No-overload use Cycle load (1min/5min) Rmin Ohm hR 3X 1 * A DC Irms A DC P -contmax kW /max A C Idc A DC /ms_Rmin A DC Pbr_Rmin kW Idc A DC /rms A DC P ,contmax kW /max A DC Idc A DC / Rrm^ max A DC P„ Rbi— max kW U 400 V 3.2. IP54 additional 190 the height each R8i cabinet.2009 .2 390 155 310 185 500 176 400 390 143 310 156 422 148 340 ACS800-607-0310-5 R7i 2.2 2.7 3514 1396 2830 1665 4496 1580 3620 3514 1289 2830 1405 3832 1347 3080 ACS800-607-2830-5 3xR8i 1.4 5856 2327 6500 2775 7493 2633 8320 5856 2125 6500 2342 6244 2194 6930 ACS800-607-6500-7 5xR8i Resistor ft min inim allow resistance value the brake resistor for one phase the brake module.0 3.4 2342 931 1510 1110 2997 1053 1930 2342 847 1510 937 2482 872 1600 ACS800-607-1510-3 2xR8i 1.4 1. Note: 400 free space needed above cabinet. Pcontmax axim continuous braking pow per brake unit. /rmS Total rms phase current brake unit.4 3514 1396 3900 1665 4496 1580 4990 3514 1275 3900 1405 3746 1316 4160 ACS800-607-3900-7 3xR8i 2. /max Peak brake current (DC) per chop per odule phase.4 1.7 4685 1862 3770 2220 5994 2106 4820 4685 1719 3770 1874 5110 1795 4110 ACS800-607-3770-5 4xR8i 1.7 2.7 2.6 1562 621 1730 740 1998 702 2220 1562 567 1730 625 1665 585 1850 ACS800-607-1730-7 2xR8i 2.0 3.6 781 310 870 370 999 351 1110 781 283 870 312 833 293 920 ACS800-607-0870-7 R8i 2.4 1171 465 1300 555 1499 527 1660 1171 425 1300 468 1249 439 1390 ACS800-607-1300-7 R8i 3.6 1562 621 1260 740 1998 702 1610 1562 568 1260 625 1671 587 1340 ACS800-607-1260-5 2xR8i 1.2 1. Cyclic load min min) /dc Total input current brake unit during period of inute ith braking b /rms Total current per brake unit phase during a period inute ith braking pow Pbr.0 2.4 1.2 1.7 5856 2327 4710 2775 7493 2633 6030 5856 2149 4710 2342 6387 2244 5140 ACS800-607-4710-5 5xR8i U 690 V 6