Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 632 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
The latter values only for type 0620-5.3 6.3 6.6 ACS800-1207LC-1840-5 2xD4 3200 3919 5487 2771 2646 3762 2540 3135 2117 15.4 14.1 ACS800-207LC-1220-5 2xR8i 2095 2540 3072 1814 1796 2439 1724 1900 1344 37.2.3 4.7 2.2009 .6 ACS800-307LC-1840-5 2xD4 3200 3919 5487 2771 2646 3762 2540 3135 2117 15. The latter values only for type 0780-5. D 3/D 4 diode supply unit 22 Multidrives 3AFE68248531 REV 20.3 6.6 2.9 ACS800-307LC-4330-5 3xD4 12-pulse diode (DSU) 1143 1400 1960 990 945 1344 908 1120 756 5.3 ACS800-307LC-1560-5 D4 2126 2604 3646 1841 1758 2500 1688 2083 1407 10.6 4.3 ACS800-507LC-0990-5 D4 1796 2200 3080 1556 1486 2112 1426 1760 1188 8.6 4.8 4.8 ACS800-207LC-0470-5 R8i 720 873 1056 624 617 838 593 653 462 12.9 ACS800-1107LC-2760-5 3xD4 5000 6124 8574 4330 4135 5879 3970 4899 3308 24.9 ACS800-207LC-2390-5 4xR8i 4104 4976 6017 3554 3519 4777 3378 3722 2632 73.8 ACS800-207LC-0370-5 R8i 540 655 792 468 463 629 444 490 346 10.2 4.2 ACS800-307LC-0780-5 D3 1143 1400 1960 990 945 1344 908 1120 756 5.8 ACS800-207LC-0280-5 R8i 432 524 633 374 370 503 356 392 277 8.6 2.7 2.3 7.8 2.8 7.3 4.5 ACS800-1107LC-1380-5 D3+D4 2506 3069 4297 2170 2072 2946 1989 2455 1658 12.2 100 18.3 ACS800-507LC-1560-5 D4 2126 2604 3646 1841 1758 2500 1688 2083 1407 10.6 ACS800-1207LC-2770-5 2xD4 Supply units Frame Height 1)2) Width Width with Depth Weight size main breaker mm kg IGBT supply unit R8i 2003 1000/1200 644 850/1150 3) 2xR8i 2003 1400 644 1500 3xR8i 2003 2400 644 2350 4xR8i 2003 2200 644 2450 6xR8i 2003 3400 644 3650 6-pulse diode (DSU) D3 2003 400 800/1000 644 920/1120 4) D4 2003 400 1000 644 1120 2xD4 2003 800 1400 644 1540 3xD4 2003 1200 2200 644 2160 12-pulse diode (DSU) D4 2003 400 1200 644 1420 D4 2003 400 1600 644 1820 2xD4 2003 800 2000 644 2240 3xD4 2003 1200 2400 644 2660 18-pulse diode (DSU) D3+D4 2003 800 2000 644 2340 D3+D4 2003 800 2600 644 2940 3xD4 2003 1200 3000 644 3360 24-pulse diode (DSU) 2xD4 2003 800 2400 644 2840 2xD4 2003 800 3200 644 3640 1) Total height ith arine supp orts 208 and dep ith arine handles 718 mm.9 11.2 ACS800-307LC-0490-5 D3 898 1100 1540 778 743 1056 713 880 594 4.6 4.5 ACS800-1107LC-2170-5 D3+D4 3189 3906 5468 2762 2637 3750 2532 3125 2110 15.1 ACS800-207LC-0940-5 2xR8i 1411 1711 2069 1222 1210 1643 1162 1280 905 25.9 ACS800-507LC-4330-5 3xD4 18-pulse diode (DSU) 1595 1953 2734 1381 1319 1875 1266 1562 1055 7.9 ACS800-207LC-3550-5 6xR8i Diode supply unit 6-pulse diode (DSU) 572 700 980 495 473 672 454 560 378 2. Pressure release lids require additional 400 mm.3 4.0 11.6 ACS800-307LC-2770-5 2xD4 5000 6124 8574 4330 4135 5879 3970 4899 3308 24.4 2.6 ACS800-207LC-1810-5 3xR8i 2765 3352 4054 2394 2370 3218 2276 2508 1773 49.6 ACS800-507LC-2770-5 2xD4 5000 6124 8574 4330 4135 5879 3970 4899 3308 24.9 ACS800-1107LC-4330-5 3xD4 24-pulse diode (DSU) 2126 2604 3646 1841 1758 2500 1688 2083 1407 10.8 ACS800-207LC-0620-5 R8i 1080 1309 1584 935 926 1257 889 980 693 18.6 7.6 ACS800-507LC-1840-5 2xD4 3200 3919 5487 2771 2646 3762 2540 3135 2117 15.5 6.3 ACS800-307LC-0990-5 D4 1796 2200 3080 1556 1486 2112 1426 1760 1188 8.1 148 25.0 7.AGSSGG liquid-cooled multidrives Ratings, types and voltages Supply unit, UN= 5GG V AGSSQQ XG7LG XXXX XXXX Nominal ratinas No overload use Light overload use Heavy-duty use Noise level Dissipation to liauid Massflow l/min Liquid Qty l Type code Frame sizeAxintmax A (AC) Axintmax A (DC) (DC) Sn kVA Pcontmax kW (DC) In A (DC) Pn kW Ahd A (DC) Phd kW dB(A) kW Un 5GG (Range 3SG-5GG V) IGBT supply unit 324 393 475 281 278 377 267 294 208 7