Poznámky redaktora
W rld approvals: UL,
cU R
Safe products that can used everywhere
in the world.
No need for special tools I/O cabling. Long rien .Multidrive main features
Features Benefits Notes
In dustrial design
W lta ran One product series suits everywhere meaning
less training and few spare parts, and a
standardised interface drives.
Application know-how.
Optim flux the otor reduces losses.
Applies for .2.
No torque ripple minimised risk for torsional vibration.
G alvan isolation I/O Safe and reliable operation without separate
isolators and relays.
G lobal ark C
W ran robu clo res
ava ila le
Suitable solutions available for different
W rld serv rt
n rk
Professional support available around the
D flu tim atio and
s tic ate odel
Excellent otor and drive efficiency cost
IP21 IP54, except braking resistor cabinet IP21
R ain ircuit design Suitable for heavy industrial use.
Isolated input signals and relay outputs standard.
Rides through power interruptions using kinetic energy
of the load.
D frien Less stress for echanics improves reliability. Possibility also protect
m otors and process.
D line control High perform ance and robust control active
supply unit.
C ponents dim ensioned for heavy duty and long lifetime.
Well proven, safe and reliable solutions.
Several adjustable limits protect other equipm ent also.
Active oscillation dam ping.
All als r
in dustrial use
A dequate size even for large aluminium cables.
D control unnecessary trips and process
E ten pro tio Enhanced reliability, few process
Advanced thermal odel allows high overloadability. shock torques.
Fast reaction load voltage variations prevents tripping.2009 Multidrives.
D llo rlo il-
ity ive high startin e
Reliable, ooth start without
overdimensioning the drive.
3AFE68248531 REV 20.
R ight rfo lic atio n
D and
static control
Excellent process control even without
pulse encoder proved product quality,
productivity, reliability and lower investment