Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Adaptive programming with blocks gives additional flexibility for tailor-made modifications outside the ready-made parameter structure. The ABB crane control program flexible control platform, hich enables wide range connectivity for start, stop and reference logic. Reliable, integrated brake control logic for smooth open and close logic without jerks improves operational 3A FE68404592 REV 3. Different functions standard increase the safety level of the crane. This like having small PLC inside the drive. The motor control software specially made for permanent m agnet low -speed high-torque motors. The load speed control enables optimization the hoist speed for different loads. This offers precise and reliable control low speed without speed feedback. These include integrated speed match, speed monitor, fast stop, slowdown and end limit logic.7.Optional control programs Control solutions for different applications products not only increase the production and pump efficiency, but also reduce the stress the com plete pump system. Permanent magnet control program supports adaptive programming with blocks using standard program and with the system program. Brake acknowledge, torque memory and pre-magnetisations are the key software elements that ensure reliable control. ■ Integrated decanter control for the accurate speed difference control two shafts, here direct com ­ munication via the fibre optic link betw een bowl and scroll used. Internal homing control logic for position-controlled cranes can also done with ready-made parameters. Crane control program safety and performance. Fast switchover logic betw een stand-alone and master-follower logic increases the operational productivity. Centrifuge control program ■ Practical programmable sequences for conventional centrifuges. The position measurement enables position actual signals millimeters for further logic. The master-follower logic for five motors enables com drum separate motors with load sharing, or with separate drums and separate motors with shaft synchro control. An easy-to-use, ready-made solution specifically for cranes. Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) control program This control program available with standard control application and system control application.2009 Application software and programming 51 . The integrated service counters for aintenance logic enable the different counters provide information. The benefits provided include enhanced equipm ent protection, optimised fluid production, and overall improvement system performance. ■ Centrifuge control program supports adaptive pro­ gramming with blocks. This control program designed for different kinds of crane motions mainly for hoist, trolley and long travel motions