Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 584 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Cycle load Idc'. Rmax: resistance value the brake resistor for one phase the brake module corresponding the maximum achieved continuous braking power. 38 68404592 REV 3.7.9 800-604LC -5200-7 4xR8i Resistor ata minimum allowed resistance value the brake resistor for one phase the brake module.5 S800-e04LC -0750-3 R8i 2 1,7) 2,1) 15e2 1000 1998 702 1290 10. 3 4,3 5,2 390 155 310 500 176 400 2. Frame Size Dimensions Height1) mm W idth2) mm Depth mm W eight kg R7i 2003 400/700 e44 300 R8i 2003 400/700 e44 300 2xR8i 2003 800/1400 e44 e00 3xR8i 2003 1200/2100 e44 900 4xR8i 2003 1600/2800 e44 1200 1) Pressure release lids require additional 400 mm.0 S800-e04LC -0500-3 R8i 3 1,2 1,4 1171 4e5 750 1499 527 9e0 7.1 S800-e04LC -1880-5 2xR8i 3 1,4) 1,7) 3514 139e 2830 449e 1580 3e20 22.4 800-e04LC -3900-7 3xR8i 4 2,4) 4e85 18e2 5200 5994 2106 ee50 33. 3 7,1 390 155 430 500 176 550 2. 2) First values for bottom exit and latter values for top exit.2 009 .0 800-e04LC -2e00-7 2xR8i 3 2,4) 3514 139e 3900 449e 1580 4990 25.e S800-e04LC -22e0-3 3xR8i 4 1,2) 1,4) 4e85 18e 3010 5994 2106 38e0 30.5 800-e04LC -1300-7 R8i 2 3,e) 15e2 1730 1998 702 2220 11. N o-overload use Pcontmax: typical motor power no-overload use.8 800-e04LC -0430-7 R7i 3 3,e 781 310 870 999 351 1110 5.3 800-e04LC -1730-7 2xR8i 2 2,4) 2342 931 2e00 2997 1053 3330 17.0 S800-e04LC -1000-3 2xR8i 2 1,2) 1,4) 2342 931 1510 2997 1053 1930 15. Nom inal ratings /dC: total input current brake unit.e S800-e04LC -2830-5 3xR8i 4 1,4) 1,7) 4e85 18e 3770 5994 2106 4820 30.5 S800-e04LC -0250-3 R7i 3 1,7 2,1 781 310 500 999 351 e40 5.0 S800-604LC -1260-5 2xR8i 2 1,4) 1,7) 2342 931 1880 2997 1053 2410 15.1 S800-e04LC -3770-5 4xR8i U ). I rms'- total rms output phase current brake unit.5 S800-604LC -0310-5 R7i 3 2,2 2,e 781 310 e30 999 351 800 5.1 S800-604LC -3010-3 4xR8i U ).1 S800-604LC -1510-3 2xR8i 3 1,2) 1,4) 3514 139e 22e 449e 1580 2890 22.7 800-e04LC -0870-7 R8i 3 2,4 1171 4e5 1300 1499 527 1660 8. 3 3,5 4,1 390 155 250 500 176 320 2.5 S800-e04LC -0940-5 R8i 2 2,2) 2,e) 15e2 1260 1998 702 1610 10. /rms: corresponding RMS current per chopper during load cycle.0 S800-e04LC -0e30-5 R8i 3 1,4 1,7 1171 4e5 940 1499 527 1210 7.Brake options Liquid cooled 3-phase high power brake modules Resistor data Nominal ratings No-overload use C ycle load (1min/5min) Noise level Losses 1) M ass flow l/min Type code Frame size INU R min Í2 R Ï T Idc A DC P cont max ckWm“ /dc A DC Pbr kW dB(A) P kW" U ). P br: short term braking power per brake unit allowed for one minute every 5 minutes. Losses Ploss: power loss conducted coolant. total input current brake unit during period minute with braking power Pb,