Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 581 z 825

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The chopper will withstand this braking power for one minute every ten minutes.35 1815 201 162 500 618 862 1065 32400 3xN A659 3x(2xSAFUR200F500) U V) A 800-04-0750-7 807 2x2.35 1670 194 108 333 298 575 514 21600 2xN BRA669 2x(2xSAFUR200F500) A 800-04-0870-7 807 2x1.35 1210 134 108 333 412 575 710 21600 2xN BRA659 2x(2xSAFUR200F500) A 800-04-0910-5 806 2x1.72 828 214 238 596 534 808 722 2xN A669 - A 800-04-1060-7 1211 3x2. Pbr.72 1242 321 357 894 801 1212 1083 3xN A669 - A 800-04-0750-7 807 2x1. This energy will heat the resistor element from (104 °F) the maximum allowable temperature.Brake options Brake chopper and resistor options for ACS800-04 frame sizes 2xR8i Type Nominal ratings Duty cycle (1 min min) Duty cycle (10 s) ijj3 Brake chopper type Resistor typeP br.2 1635 252 162 500 771 862 1332 36000 3xN A659 3x(2xSAFUR180F460) U V) A 800-04-0760-5 806 2x1.2 1090 298 192 606 936 706 1090 2xN A659 - A 800-04-0770-3 706 2x1.35 2505 291 162 500 447 862 771 32400 3xN A669 3x(2xSAFUR200F500) A 800-04-1160-7 1211 3x1.2 1090 168 108 333 514 575 888 24000 2xN BRA659 2x(2xSAFUR180F460) A 800-04-0870-3 1058 3x1.max= Maximum braking power the NBRA-6xx chopper and SAFUR resistor combination. kW A Pbr.35 2505 291 162 500 447 862 771 32400 3xN A669 3x(2xSAFUR200F500) Fram size Height idth Depth eight Brake Chopper odules NBRA659 584 334 240 26 NBRA669 584 334 240 1 SA FUR 180F460 1320 300 345 1) SA FUR 125F500 1320 300 345 1) SA FUR 200F500 1320 300 345 1) SA FUR 210F575 1320 300 345 1) 1) Single drive module only. kW Pbr.2 1090 168 108 333 514 575 888 24000 2xN BRA659 2x(2xSAFUR180F460) A 800-04-0770-3 706 2x1.43 1142 272 218 634 782 806 996 2xN A659 - A 800-04-0910-5 806 2x1. /rms Corresponding rms current per chopper during load cycle. The standard resistor therefore withstands continuous braking Pbrmax typically seconds (t br,max).2009 Hardware options 35 .72 828 214 238 596 534 808 722 2xN A669 - A 800-04-0870-7 807 2x2. E Short energy pulse that the resistor assembly withstands every 400 seconds. max kW R ohm A Pcont. The drive and the chopper will withstand this braking power for period time indicated the duty cycle.43 1713 408 327 951 1173 1209 1494 3xN A659 - A 800-04-1210-5 1208 3x1. Heat loss brake chopper braking power Heat loss section with brake resistors the same braking power 3A FE68404592 REV 3. Current achieved with minimum resistor resistance.35 1815 201 162 500 618 862 1065 32400 3xN A659 3x(2xSAFUR200F500) A 800-04-1210-5 1208 3x1.2 1090 298 192 606 936 706 1090 2xN A659 - A 800-04-0870-3 1058 3x1.2 1635 447 288 909 1404 1059 1635 3xN A659 - A 800-04-0610-3 706 2x1.2 1635 447 288 909 1404 1059 1635 3xN A659 - A 800-04-1030-3 1058 3x1. kW A U ) A 800-04-0610-3 706 2x1.35 1210 134 108 333 412 575 710 21600 2xN BRA659 2x(2xSAFUR200F500) A 800-04-1090-5 1208 3x1.35 1670 194 108 333 298 575 514 21600 2xN BRA669 2x(2xSAFUR200F500) A 800-04-1060-7 1211 3x1. Also nominal resistance corresponding SAFUR resistor /max Maximum peak current per chopper during braking.2 1635 252 162 500 771 862 1332 36000 3xN A659 3x(2xSAFUR180F460) A 800-04-1030-3 1058 3x1.43 1142 272 218 634 782 806 996 2xN A659 - A 800-04-1090-5 1208 3x1. Pbr Maximum braking power the drive with the specified resistor(s).72 1242 321 357 894 801 1212 1083 3xN A669 - A 800-04-1160-7 1211 3x2.7.43 1713 408 327 951 1173 1209 1494 3xN A659 - A 800-04-0760-5 806 2x1. R Recommended brake resistor resistance. Note: The braking energy transmitted the resistor during any period shorter than 400 seconds may not exceed Er