Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

| Kategorie: Katalog  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 578 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Liquid cooling unit Nominal ratings Cooling information Losses Cooling edia P max kW Internal assflow at 120 kPa l/min External m assflow l/min External pressure loss kPa Ploss kW P losscoolant kW Ploss* kW Internal liquid qty l External liquid qty l Type code R V 70 100 103 125 0. P max: maximum nominal cooling power.2009 .9 0. Ploss coolant: power loss conducted coolant. P lossair: power loss emitted air (ambient space).2 800-1007LC -0195 As standard, liquid-cooling unit includes: industrial cabinet construction, IEC standard compatibility, pipe connections right hand side with DIN flanges and industrial ater heat exchanger.Ratings and dimensions Dimensions (INU, ISU, DSU) Frame size Height mm W idth mm Depth mm W eight kg D3 975 311 474 140 D4 975 311 474 210 R2i 401 165 193 9 R3i 466 173 232 12 R4i 535 240 252 15 R5i 673 265 276 23 R7i 880 210 475 85 R8i 880 210 475 127 2xR8i 880 210 475 127 3xR8i 880 210 475 127 4xR8i 880 210 475 127 1) The depth without control panels and options.7. Dimensions Height mm W idth mm Depth mm W eight kg Type code 2003 330 644 200 800-1007LC -0070 2003 630 644 400 800-1007LC -0195 32 Drive modules 3AFE68404592 .7 0. Internal assflow: coolant massflow when cooling circuit internal.3 0. External assflow: coolant massflow when cooling circuit uses external cooling method.4 0.1 800-1007LC -0070 195 300 384 130 0. PloSS: power loss conducted coolant