Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 574 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
motor shaft power 150% Phd.max: typical motor power no-overload use. Dimensions Frame size Height mm W idth mm Depth mm W eight kg D3 975 311 474 140 D4 975 311 474 210 R8i 918 214 478 115 Nom inal ratings: /contmax: rated current available continuously without overloadability at 42 liquid temperature. Typical ratings: N o-overload use Pcont. Hydrostatic pressure loss 120 kPa due height difference. 546 673 355 524 355 408 315 8. 28 Drive modules FE68404592 REV 3. 583 872 560 560 500 436 400 S800-04LC -0700-7 1xD3 1xR8i 790 1182 710 759 710 591 560 S800-04LC -0940-7 1xD3 2xR8i 898 1344 900 863 900 672 630 S800-04LC -1070-7 1xD3 2xR8i 1143 1710 1120 1097 1120 855 710 S800-04LC -1370-7 1xD4 2xR8i 1334 1996 1250 1281 1250 998 900 S800-04LC -1590-7 1xD4 3xR8i 1697 2538 1600 1629 1600 1269 1250 S800-04LC -2030-7 1xD4 3xR8i 2239 3350 2240 2150 2000 1675 1600 S800-04LC -2680-7 2xD4 4xR8i 1) Pressure loss 100 kPa. P typical motor power in light-overload use.2009 . Light-overload use / continuous base current allowing 110% overload for 1 minute/5 minutes. max kW I n A P n kW 'hd A Phd kW U tin lid lta V. /max: maximum output current. H eavy-duty use /h continuous base current allowing 150% overload for minute/5 minutes. Available for 10 seconds start, otherwise as long allowed drive temperature. Phd: typical motor power in heavy-duty use.7. Note: max. The current ratings are the same regardless the supply voltage within one voltage range.Ratings and dimensions ACS800-04LC, drive module, UN= 400 690 V ACS800 04LC XXXX XXXX 5 7 Nominal ratings No-overload use Light-overload use H eavy-duty use Liquid dissipation kW Mass flow 11 l/min Type code Frame size A A P cont. Losses Ploss: power loss conducted coolant. 563 674 315 540 315 421 200 8.7 800-04LC -0390-3 1xD3 1xR8i 678 837 355 651 355 507 250 800-04LC -0470-3 1xD3 1xR8i 889 1037 500 853 400 665 355 800-04LC -0620-3 1xD3 1xR8i 1103 1279 630 1059 560 825 450 800-04LC -0760-3 1xD4 2xR8i 1329 1590 710 1276 710 994 500 800-04LC -0920-3 1xD4 2xR8i 1742 1994 900 1673 900 1303 710 800-04LC -1210-3 1xD4 2xR8i 1973 2347 1120 1894 1120 1476 900 800-04LC -1370-3 2xD4 3xR8i 2587 2941 1400 2484 1400 1935 1120 800-04LC -1790-3 2xD4 3xR8i 3414 3906 2000 3277 2000 2553 1400 800-04LC -2370-3 2xD4 4xR8i U tin lid lta V.7 800-04LC -0470-5 1xD3 1xR8i 630 838 400 605 400 471 355 800-04LC -0550-5 1xD3 1xR8i 840 1042 560 806 560 628 400 800-04LC -0730-5 1xD3 1xR8i 1070 1280 710 1027 710 800 560 800-04LC -0930-5 1xD4 2xR8i 1235 1589 900 1185 900 924 630 800-04LC -1070-5 1xD4 2xR8i 1646 1996 1120 1581 1120 1232 710 800-04LC -1430-5 1xD4 2xR8i 1833 2344 1250 1760 1250 1371 900 800-04LC -1590-5 1xD4 3xR8i 2444 2943 1600 2347 1600 1828 1250 800-04LC -2120-5 2xD4 3xR8i 3226 3885 2240 3097 2240 2413 1600 800-04LC -2790-5 2xD4 4xR8i U tin lid lta V