Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 564 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Note: max. motor shaft power 150% Typical ratings: N -overload use Pcont.2009 . /max: maximum output current. Light-overload use /n: continuous current allowing 110% for 1min min °C. The ratings apply ambient temperature.max: rated current available continuously without overloadability °C. 18 Drive modules FE68404592 REV 3.9 1300 800-14-0170-3 R7i R7i L-05-5 292 400 160 280 160 218 110 3160 800-14-0210-3 R8i R8i L-12-5 370 506 200 244 200 277 132 3160 800-14-0260-3 R8i R8i L-13-5 469 642 250 450 250 351 200 3160 800-14-0320-3 R8i R8i L-14-5 565 773 315 542 315 423 250 3160 800-14-0390-3 R8i R8i L-15-5 704 963 400 675 355 526 250 3160 800-14-0490-3 R8i R8i L-15-5 919 1258 500 882 500 688 355 6400 800-14-0640-3 2xR8i 2xR8i L-24-5 1111 1521 630 1067 630 831 450 6400 800-14-0770-3 2xR8i 2xR8i L-25-5 1379 1888 800 1324 710 1037 560 6400 800-14-0960-3 2xR8i 2xR8i L-25-5 1535 2102 900 1474 800 1149 630 10240 800-14-1070-3 3xR8i 3xR8i +2xA L-24-5 1978 2707 1200 1899 1100 1479 800 10240 800-14-1380-3 3xR8i 3xR8i +2xA L-24-5 2610 3573 1600 2506 1400 1953 1100 12800 800-14-1810-3 4xR8i 4xR8i +2xA L-24-5 U ) 200 291 132 192 132 150 1300 800-14-0170-5 R7i R7i L-04-5 245 356 160 235 160 183 110 1300 800-14-0210-5 R7i R7i L-05-5 302 347 200 289 200 226 132 3160 800-14-0260-5 R8i R8i L-12-5 365 457 250 350 250 273 160 3160 800-14-0320-5 R8i R8i L-13-5 455 530 315 437 315 340 200 3160 800-14-0400-5 R8i R8i L-14-5 525 660 355 504 355 393 250 3160 800-14-0460-5 R8i R8i L-15-5 595 648 400 571 400 445 315 3160 800-14-0510-5 R8i R8i L-15-5 670 972 500 643 450 501 315 3160 800-14-0580-5 R8i R8i L-15-5 892 1294 630 856 630 667 450 6400 800-14-0780-5 2xR8i 2xR8i L-24-5 1005 1458 710 956 630 752 500 6400 800-14-0870-5 2xR8i 2xR8i L-25-5 1313 1906 900 1261 900 982 710 6400 800-14-1140-5 2xR8i 2xR8i L-25-5 1528 2217 1120 1467 1120 1143 800 10240 800-14-1330-5 3xR8i 3xR8i +2xA L-24-5 1884 2734 1400 1809 1300 1409 1000 10240 800-14-1640-5 3xR8i 3xR8i +2xA L-24-5 2486 3608 1800 2387 1700 1860 1300 12800 800-14-2160-5 4xR8i 4xR8i +2xA L-25-5 U V 132 192 110 127 110 1300 S800-14-0160-7 R7i R7i L-04-7 150 218 132 144 132 112 1300 S800-14-0200-7 R7i R7i L-05-7 01 2 238 200 193 160 150 132 3160 S800-14-0260-7 R8i R8i L-12-7 279 311 250 268 250 209 200 3160 S800-14-0320-7 R8i R8i L-13-7 335 431 315 322 250 251 200 3160 S800-14-0400-7 R8i R8i LCL-14-7 382 503 355 367 355 286 270 3160 S800-14-0440-7 R8i R8i LCL-15-7 447 525 450 429 400 334 315 3160 S800-14-0540-7 R8i R8i LCL-15-7 659 727 630 632 630 493 450 6400 S800-14-0790-7 2xR8i 2xR8i L-24-7 729 985 710 700 710 545 500 6400 S800-14-0870-7 2xR8i 2xR8i L-25-7 896 1002 900 840 800 655 350 6400 S800-14-1050-7 2xR8i 2xR8i L-25-7 1112 1425 1120 1037 1120 831 800 10240 S800-14-1330-7 3xR8i 3xR8i +2xA L-24-7 1256 1477 1250 1206 1200 940 900 10240 S800-14-1510-7 3xR8i 3xR8i +2xA L-24-7 1657 1879 1700 1591 1600 1240 1200 12800 S800-14-1980-7 4xR8i 4xR8i +2xA L-25-7 Dimensions Frame size Height mm W idth mm Depth 1) mm W eight kg R7i 744 228 367 37 R8i 1397 235 596 150 2xR8i 1397 245 596 300 3xR8i 1397 245 596 450 4xR8i 1397 245 596 600 1) Dimensions not include cooling fan 2) Single module only Frame size Height mm W idth mm Depth mm W eight kg A L-0x-x 810 304 292 72 A L-1x-x 1397 240 499 180 A L-2x-x 1397 240 573 305 Nom inal ratings: lcont. P typical motor power light-overload use. H avy-duty use /h continuous current allowing 150% for 1min min °C. Available for start, otherwise long as allowed drive temperature.max: typical motor power no-overload use.3 1300 800-14-0140-3 R7i R7i L-04-5 250 363 132 240 132 187 6. At higher temperatures (up °C) the derating °C. The current ratings are the same regardless the supply voltage within one voltage range. Phd: typical motor power heavy-duty use.Ratings and dimensions ACS800-14 ACS800 XXXX XXXX 5 7 Nominal ratings No overload use Light overload use Heavy-duty use Noise level dB(A) Heat dissipation kW Air flow m3/h Type code Frame sizeAxintmax A (AC) Axintmax A (DC) P contmax kW (DC) In A P n kW Ahd A Phd kW U V 202 293 110 194 151 6.7