Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 561 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
H eavy-duty use Ihd' continuous current allowing 150% /hd for 1min min °C.2 5. 6) Please note that use control panel I/O extension communication options increases the depth.8 7.9 2.5 7. Notes: 1) 50% overload available ifT °C. Phd' typical motor power heavy-duty use.Ratings and dimensions ACS800-04 ACS800 XXXX XXXX Nominal ratings No-overload use Light-overload use H eavy-duty use Noise level Heat dissipation Air flow Type code Frame 'cont.2 140 800-04-0005-3 R2 10.5 610 103 800-04-0030-3 R4 59 660 103 800-04-0035-3 R4 72 810 250 800-04-0040-3 R5 86 112 990 250 800-04-0050-3 R5 103 138 100 1190 250 800-04-0060-3 R5 145 170 141 100 1440 250 800-04-0075-3 R5 166 202 155 115 1940 405 800-04-0100-3 R6 202 282 110 184 141 2310 405 800-04-0120-3 R6 225 326 110 220 110 163 2810 405 800-04-0135-3 R6 260 326 132 254 132 215 110 3260 405 800-04-0165-3 R6 290 351 160 285 160 234 132 4200 405 800-04-0205-3 R6 206 326 110 202 110 163 3000 540 S800-04(M )-0140-3 R7 248 404 132 243 132 202 110 3650 540 S800-04(M )-0170-3 R7 289 432 160 284 160 240 132 4300 540 S800-04(M )-0210-3 R7 445 588 200 440 200 340 160 6600 1220 S800-04(M )-0260-3 R8 521 588 250 516 250 370 200 7150 1220 S800-04(M )-0320-3 R8 602 840 315 590 315 477 250 8100 1220 S800-04(M )-0400-3 R8 693 1017 355 679 355 590 315 8650 1220 S800-04(M )-0440-3 R8 720 1017 400 704 400 635 355 9100 1220 S800-04(M )-0490-3 R8 879 1315 500 844 500 657 400 13000 3120 800-04-0610-3 1xD4 2xR8i 1111 1521 630 1067 630 831 450 17200 3840 800-04-0770-3 2xD4 2xR8i 1255 1877 710 1205 710 939 500 18500 3840 800-04-0870-3 2xD4 2xR8i 1452 1988 800 1394 800 1086 630 23900 3840 800-04-1030-3 2xD4 2xR8i 1770 2648 1000 1699 1000 1324 710 27500 5040 800-04-1230-3 2xD4 3xR8i 2156 2951 1200 2070 1200 1613 900 35400 5760 800-04-1540-3 3xD4 3xR8i 2663 3984 1450 2556 1450 1992 1120 42700 6960 800-04-1850-3 3xD4 4xR8i Enclosure Degree Protection: IP00 standard for and 04(M) frame sizes R7, and nxR8i IP20 standard for -04 frame sizes R6, option for some 04(M) variants Paint color: RAL 900 2/P 420C Frame size Height mm W idth mm Depth mm W eight kg R2 370 165 193 8 R3 420 173 232 13 R4 490 240 253 24 R5 602 265 276 32 R6 700 300 399 64 R7 100 R8 4/15 205 D4 1480 234 400 10) 180 2xD 1480 234 400 10) 360 3xD 1480 234 400 101 540 2xR8i 1397 245 596 300 3xR 1397 245 596 450 4xR 1397 245 596 600 Nom inal ratings: Icontmax: rated current available continuously without overloadability °C.7 5. 7) Bookshelf (in 800-04M 354) flat (+H360) bottom exit (+H352) version.amb amb ’ 2) 50% overload available ifT °C.9 13. P typical motor power light-overload use. The current ratings are the same regardless the supply voltage within one voltage range.5 4.amb amb 4) 50% overload available ifT °C.5 160 800-04-0006-3 R2 13. 3A FE68404592 REV 3.7 5.5 9.2 4. 5.5 5.1 100 800-04-0003-3 R2 6. motor shaft power 150% P,^.6 5. °C, max overload 40% .amb amb 5) Higher value available output frequency above Hz.5 250 800-04-0011-3 R3 25 7.5 520 800-04-0023-3 R3 44 18. The ratings apply ambient temperature. Available for start, otherwise long as allowed drive temperature. Light-overload use I continuous current allowing 110% for 1min min °C. max kW ' n A P n kW '« A Phd kW dBA m3/h size U ratin valid lta V. 8) Bookshelf (in 800-04M 354) flat (+H360) mounting.2 2.amb amb 3) 50% overload available ifT °C. °C, max overload 37% .5 530 103 800-04-0025-3 R4 55 18. max A A p cont.5 10.7 1.5 1.8 10.2009 Drive modules 15 . 10) Cable connections need additional space (about 200 mm) behind the module. °C, max overload 30% . Typical ratings: N o-overload use Pcont.3 200 800-04-0009-3 R2 19 7.9 17.5 120 800-04-0004-3 R2 8.5 340 800-04-0016-3 R3 34 440 800-04-0020-3 R3 40 18.4 1. 9 Single module only.7 2.7. At higher temperatures (up °C) the derating °C.1 6.5 8.max: typical motor power no-overload use. Note: max.5 3. ¡max'- maximum output current.5 12. °C, max overload 45% .3 1.2 7