Poznámky redaktora
customers easy see hich services are available
at hich phase.
>3Active Classic
AB follows four-phase model for managing drive lifecycles, hich brings enhanced custom support and improved efficiency.
60 Services and support 68375126 REV 17.
I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Com plete lifecycle services ---------------------------------------------------------
To ensure the availability complete lifecycle services, drive must the Active Classic phase. All services available for ABB low
voltage drives are planned according this model.2009
. Throughout the value chain,
ABB provides training and learning, technical support
and contracts. Thus, customer knows
ABB drive lifecycle management model
precisely the timing the part replacem ents plus all
other aintenance related actions. of
A BB’s key objectives maximize the uptime its
customers’ processes ensuring optimum lifetime of
all ABB products predictable, safe and low cost
manner. All this supported one the
most extensive global drive sales and service networks.Services
► 7
► and
\ \Installation Operation
a and and *
t commissioning aintenance g
Replacem ent ^
à and 2
rn recycling A
f Training and learning
r Technical support
L Contracts
All industries face com goal: maximize their
production output the lowest possible cost, while
maintaining the highest quality end products.
Professional management the drive’s lifecycle
maximizes the return any investment ABB low
voltage drives. The model also
helps the customer hen deciding about upgrades,
retrofits and replacements.
Exam ples lifecycle services are: selection and dimensioning, installation and commissioning, preventive and corrective maintenance, rem ote services,
spare part services, training and learning, technical support, upgrade and retrofit, replacem ent and recycling.
Drive specific aintenance schedules are also based
on this four-phase model.
The services offered for ABB low voltage drives span
the entire value chain, from the moment customer
makes the first enquiry through disposal and
recycling the drive.
■ The drive, with complete lifecycle The drive, with complete lifecycle
services, available for purchase. services, available for plant extensions.2.
At the heart BB’s services its drive lifecycle
m anagem ent model. drive can kept the Active Classic phase by
upgrading, retrofitting replacing