Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 54 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
34 3340 388 216 667 596 1150 1028 2130 4800 1020 10000 800-607-1600-7+D 151 5 NBRA6691 2019 0. 3) Total width the line-up the sum widths the sections for the end plates. Also nominal resistance of corresponding SAFUR resistor.max kW R ohm Imax A Irms. Pbr,max Maximum braking power the NBRA-6xx chopper and SAFUR resistor combination.30 2180 336 216 667 1028 1150 1776 2130 4800 1360 10000 800-607-1280-3+D 151 5 NBRA659 1764 0.24 3426 816 654 1902 2346 2418 2988 2130 2400 660 3960 0-6 07-2400-5 NBRA659 403 1.45 1815 201 162 500 618 862 1065 2130 3600 1020 7500 S800-607-1200-5+D 151 4 NBRA659 1611 0.36 2284 544 436 1268 1564 1612 1992 2130 1600 440 2640 0-6 07-1600-5 5 NBRA659 2014 0. Heat loss section with brake resistors the same braking power.54 2070 535 595 1490 1335 2020 1805 2130 2000 440 2640 0-6 07-2000-7 6 NBRA669 2422 0. Irms Corresponding rms current per chopper during load cycle.3. A 5.20 545 149 303 468 353 545 2130 400 110 660 0-6 07-0320-3 2 NBRA659 706 0.24 2725 420 270 833 1285 1437 2220 2130 6000 1700 12500 800-607-1600-3+D 151 6 NBRA659 2117 0. A kW br.27 4175 485 270 833 745 1437 1285 2130 6000 1360 12500 800-607-2000-7+D 151 6 NBRA669 2422 0.20 545 167 257 287 444 2130 1200 340 2500 S800-607-0320-3+D 151 2 NBRA6591 706 0.43 571 136 109 317 391 403 498 2130 400 110 660 0-6 07-0400-5 2 NBRA659 806 0. Imax Maximum peak current per chopper during braking.24 2725 745 480 1515 2340 1765 2725 2130 2000 550 3300 0-6 07-1600-3 6 NBRA659 2117 0.35 835 167 149 287 257 2130 1200 340 2500 S800-607-0400-7+D 151 2 NBRA669 807 0.27 3025 335 270 833 1030 1437 1775 2130 6000 1700 12500 800-607-2000-5+D 151 6 NBRA659 2417 0.23 3630 402 324 1000 1236 1724 2130 2130 7200 2040 15000 800-607-2400-5+D 151 Un 690 (Range V) NBRA669 404 2.68 1210 134 108 333 412 575 710 2130 2400 680 5000 S800-607-0800-5+D 151 3 NBRA659 1208 0.45 2505 291 162 500 447 862 771 2130 3600 680 7500 S800-607-1200-7+D 151 4 NBRA669 1615 0.2004 .45 2484 642 714 1788 1602 2424 2166 2130 2400 550 3300 0-6 07-2400-7 NBRA669 404 1.60 1090 298 192 606 936 706 1090 2130 800 220 1320 0-6 07-0640-3 3 NBRA659 1058 0.68 1656 428 476 1192 1068 1616 1444 2130 1600 330 1980 0-6 07-1600-7 5 NBRA669 2019 0.35 605 167 206 287 355 2130 1200 340 2500 S800-607-0400-5+D 151 2 NBRA659 806 0. This energy will heat the resistor element from 40°C the maximum allowable temperature.72 414 107 119 298 267 404 361 2130 400 110 660 0-6 07-0400-7 2 NBRA669 807 1. Heat loss brake chopper braking power 16 3AFE 68248531 REV 31.Multidrive ratings, types and voltages Braking unit . Note: The braking energy transmitted the resistor during any period shorter than 400 seconds may not exceed Er.20 3270 894 576 1818 2808 2118 3270 2130 2400 660 3960 0-6 07-1920-3 NBRA659 353 1. Current is achieved with minimum resistor resistance.60 1090 168 108 333 514 575 888 2130 2400 680 5000 S800-607-0640-3+D 151 3 NBRA659 1058 0. 1) Additional 200 junction section needed.34 2420 268 216 667 824 1150 1420 2130 4800 1360 10000 800-607-1600-5+D 151 5 NBRA659 2014 0. Thus, the standard resistor withstands continuous braking Pbr, max typically 20 seconds Er/ Pbr,max).40 1635 447 288 909 1404 1059 1635 2130 1200 330 1980 0-6 07-0960-3 4 NBRA659 1411 0.68 1670 194 108 333 298 575 514 2130 2400 340 5000 S800-607-0800-7+D 151 3 NBRA669 1211 0.23 5010 582 324 2000 894 1724 1542 2130 7200 1700 15000 800-607-2400-7+D 151 Er Energy pulse that the resistor assembly will withstand with the 400 seconds duty cycle. A Height?1 Width1131 Weight Noise Air flow m3/hmm kg Uu (Range V) NBRA659 353 1.36 828 214 238 596 534 808 722 2130 800 110 660 0-6 07-0800-7 3 NBRA669 1211 0.30 2180 596 384 1212 1872 1412 2180 2130 1600 440 2640 0-6 07-1280-3 5 NBRA659 1764 0.29 2855 680 545 1585 1955 2015 2490 2130 2000 550 3300 0-6 07-2000-5 6 NBRA659 2417 0.40 1635 252 162 500 771 862 1332 2130 3600 1020 7500 S800-607-0960-3+D 151 4 NBRA659 1411 0. ACS800 X07 0003 XXXX M odule type Nominal ratings Duty cycle (1m in/5m in) Duty cycle (10s/60s) Typ ecodePbr. 2) 213 additional required for marine supports.72 1142 272 218 634 782 806 996 2130 800 220 1320 0-6 07-0800-5 3 NBRA659 1208 0.91 1242 321 357 894 801 1212 1083 2130 1200 220 1320 0-6 07-1200-7 4 NBRA669 1615 0. The chopper will withstand this braking power for one minute every ten minutes. R Recom ended brake resistor resistance.48 1713 408 327 951 1173 1209 1494 2130 1200 330 1980 0-6 07-1200-5 4 NBRA659 1611 0.20 3270 504 324 1000 1542 1724 2664 2130 7200 2040 15000 800-607-1920-3+D 151 U„ 500 (Range V) NBRA659 403 1