drives cover wide range powers and voltages,
including industrial voltages 690 V.
ACS800 X07 0003 XXXX
What ABB industrial drive? What ABB multidrive?
ABB industrial drives are highly flexible drives that
can customized meet the precise needs your
. key feature these drives program
mability; and order-based customization integral
part the offering. The majority ABB industrial drives are
sold system integrators, OEMs and end-users.3.
ABB industrial drives come with wide range built
in options. The DC
power derived from single supply unit that built
into the same installation. This construction simplifies
the total installation and results many benefits:
savings cabling, installation and maintenance costs;
reduced line currents and simpler braking arrange
ments; energy circulation over the common DC
busbar, which can used for motor-to-motor braking
without the need for braking chopper regenera
tive supply unit; reduced component count and
increased reliability; space savings. The common busbar used
to supply the drive modules with power.
4 3AFE 68248531 REV 31.
A multidrive type industrial drive, built from
industrial drive modules that are connected a
common busbar.ABB industrial drive