Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 28 z 825

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IEC 61508 and Safety Category 4 acc.Standard I/O Analogue and digital I/O extension 710lr w Feedback interface 3t-UP*^ O ' U i À r Control unit External power input +24VI 1 24 DC, 1. Both circuits ust closed for the drive start. B 1 A 2 BGND 3 OUT1 1 Safe Torque-Off. 954-1 ■ Control panel connection: tools and control panel connection (RJ45).2009 . Can used also a Modbus link for monitoring ■ Memory unit connection: com plete drive configuration and settings are stored the rem ovable memory unit 10^ Options 3AU A0000041481 REV 3.6 GND 2 XRO1, XRO2, XRO3 Relay output RO1 [Ready] |-------- 1 250 COM 2 2 3 Relay output RO2 |-------- 4 250 COM 5 2 6 Relay output RO3 |-------- 7 250 COM 8 2 9 C ontrol panel connection M ory unit connection + DC* +24VD 1 Digital input ground DIGND 2 + DC* +24VD 3 Digital input/ou tpu ground DIOGND 4 G round selection jum per Digital input DI1 [Stop/Start] DI1 1 Digital input DI2 DI2 2 Digital input DI3 [Reset] DI3 3 Digital input DI4 DI4 4 Digital input DI5 DI5 5 Digital input DI6 therm istor input DI6 6 Start interlock Stop) DIIL A Digital input/ou tpu DIO1 utput: Ready] DIO1 1 Digital input/ou tpu DIO2 utput: Running] DIO2 2 Reference voltage (+) +VREF 1 Reference voltage (-) -VREF 2 G round AGND 3 Analog input AI1 (Current voltage, selectable jum AI1) [S peed reference 1] AI1 4 AI1- 5 Analog input AI2 (Current voltage, selectable jum AI2) AI2+ 6 AI2- 7 AI1 current/voltage selection jum per AI1 AI2 current/voltage selection jum per AI2 =} - Analog AO1 [Current %] AO1 1 a Communication AO1- 2 interface Analog [Speed %] AO2+ 3 AO2- 4 X 3 X ) Drive-to-drive link term ination jum per T Drive-to-drive link.7. OUT2 2 IN1 3 IN2 4 *Total axim current: 200 mA Standard I/O XPOW XD24 XDI XDIO XAI XD2D XSTO ■ Control voltage supply: external supply (24V DC) input for the control unit ■ Digital I/O: 6xDI, 2xDI/O (can used also for pulse train inputs outputs, max kHz), 3xRO ■ Analog I/O: 2xAI (mA V), 2xAO ■ Thermistor input: motor thermistor (PTC, KTY) ■ Start interlock: drive interlock input ■ Drive-to-drive link: galvanically isolated, can also b used for ModBus ■ Safe Torque-Off (STO): designed for Safety Integrity Level (SIL acc