Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 638 z 696

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. Fur- ther auxiliary units 0... 2. 5405 00 Technical data Rated voltage UN : 230V~, 50/60Hz Ambient temperature: -5°C +45°C Connected load 25°C: - LED lamps (leading edge) - LED lamps (trailing edge) - Compact fluorescent lamps - Light bulbs - halogen - Gira Tronic transformers - Electronic transformer with NV-LED - Wound transformer - Wound transformer with NV-LED typically 100W typically 200W typically 100W 20 400W 20 400W 20 400W typically 100W 20 400VA typically 100VA Number auxiliary units: - System 3000 auxiliary unit 5408 00, mech. mm² 0.5 mm² 1 x 2 x 0. . 100m max.5 .5 .5 mm² 1 x 2 x System 3000 connection cross sections inserts System 3000 Electronic switching insert Order No..636 Gira electrical installation systems Flush-mounted inserts System 3000 I Technical information System 3000 Relay switching insert Order No.5 . 5403 00 Technical data Rated voltage UN : 230V~, 50/60Hz Ambient temperature: -25°C +45°C Connected load: - LED - Compact fluorescent lamps - Light bulbs - halogen - Gira Tronic transformers - Wound transformers - Fluorescent lamps, not compensated - Capacitive load - Switching current for motors typically 500W typically 500W 2300W 2300W 1500W 1000VA 1200VA 920VA (115 µF) 6A Number auxiliary units: - System 3000 auxiliary unit 5408 00, mech.5 ... Operation without neutral conductor possible. n Further auxiliary units. 100m AC 230 V~ 5403 00 LED Connection System 3000 relay insert AC 230 V~ 5403 5409 5408 0151 00 .. 1. mm² 0. button Unlimited Total length Auxiliary unit cable: Load cable: max.5 .... button Unlimited Total length Auxiliary unit cable: max. 2.5 . n 5408 5409 0151 00 LED Connection various auxiliary inserts System 3000 electronic switching insert. mm² 0. n LED Connection various auxiliary unit inserts System 3000 relay insert. 100m 5405 00 N AC 230 V~ LED Connection System 3000 electronic switching insert 5405 00 N AC 230 V~ ..5 mm² 1 x 2 x 0.