Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 637 z 696

Poznámky redaktora
24W 0.24W 0.23W 0.17W 0.3W* 1.3W* • • 5408 0. 5366.27W 0.19W 0..3W* 1. 5373.14W 0.21W 0..29W 0.17W • • 5415 0.35W 0.20W 0.16W 0. 5377 02 System 3000 inserts 5403 0.24W 0.22W 0. Dimmer DRA power booster 2383 00 Load types Dimmer nmax PPB nmax PPB nmax PPB 5400 00 System 3000 universal LED dimming insert Standard 5 210W 60W 200W 5401 00 System 3000 universal LED dimming insert Komfort 5 420W 100W 200W 2385 00 System 2000 Universal LED dimming insert (touch dimmer) 5 420W --- 200W 2450 00 System 3000 universal LED rotary dimming insert Standard 5 210W 60W 200W 2455 00 System 3000 universal LED rotary dimming insert Komfort 5 420W 100W 200W 2440 00 System 3000 universal LED dimmer Mini 2 210W 50W 200W 2365 00 System 3000 universal LED dimmer DRA 5 420W 100W 200W 2171 00 KNX dimming actuator, 1-gang 3 420W 100W 200W 2172 00 KNX dimming actuator, 2-gang 4 420W 100W 200W 2174 00 KNX dimming actuator, 4-gang 4 420W 100W 200W 5420 00 eNet wireless dimming actuator, 1-gang Mini 5 250W 70W 200W 5430 00 eNet wireless dimming actuator, 1-gang DRA 3 420W 65W 200W 5431 00 eNet wireless dimming actuator, 4-gang DRA 4 420W 100W 200W .27W 0.00W • 5409 0.23W 0.3W* 1.34W • • 5400 0.19W 0.27W • • 5401 0. 5376.16W 0.27W • • 5406 1..16W • • * The DALI Power control unit (5406 00) has higher consumption values because permanently supplying the DALI devices.20W 0.35W 0. 5375.3W* 1.635 Gira electrical installation systems Inserts and top units System 3000 I Technical information System 3000 matrix order numbers with standby consumption values System 3000 top units 5360. 5363.16W 0..17W 0.3W* 1.24W 0.20W 0.24W 0.3W* 1.27W 0.3W* 1..24W 0.23W 0.22W 0..3W* 1.27W • • 5410 0.27W 0. 5361.13W 0.29W 0.27W 0.24W 0.35W 0.30W 0.24W • • 5414 0.22W • • 5405 0.22W 0..32W 0.21W 0.27W 0.35W 0.13W 0.22W 0.. 5367.32W 0.24W 0.19W 0.32W 0..27W 0.20W 0. 5374.27W 0.22W 0